Data : Data related parameters

# appendNetworkData

Array containing additional data files to append to networks. Useful for loading KEGG and Wikipatways to decorate the nodes and the edges
Type: array
Default: []

# dataTextAlign

Align for the data labels
Type: string
Default: center
Options: left, center, right

# dataTextBaseline

Baseline for the data labels
Type: string
Default: middle
Options: top, middle, bottom

# dataTextColor

# dataTextFontSize

Font size for the text in data labels. Be aware that auto scaling font must be turned off for this property to take effect. A more convenient way to modify the size is to use the dataTextScaleFontFactor
Type: integer
Default: 11

# dataTextFontStyle

Font style for the data labels
Type: string
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic

# dataTextMargin

# dataTextRotate

# dataTextScaleFontFactor

Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the data labels font size in the canvas
Type: float
Default: 1

# groupingFactors

An array that holds the group names used for grouping the data. It must be a category in the data.x object
Type: array
Default: []

# summaryType

Summary type for the data when grouping
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, iqr, median, mean, cor, min, max, count, sum

# transposeData

Flag to transpose data as a parameter. This parameter accomplishes the same as the function transpose at load time
Type: boolean
Default: false