Data Filters : Parameters associated with filtering

# dataFilterWidth

# filterData

Array of arrays with filtering functions. Each function takes four parameters. The fisrt parameter is the type of filter. This could either of: var, smp, series, meta, x, y, z, data, network or guess (if not known). The second parameter is the key that usually correspond to a sample or variable factor name in the x or z object of the data. The third parameter is the operator to use which is one of: >, >=, <, <=, between, exact, like or not like and the four parameter is an array with the value or values that are needed for the corresponding evaluation. Here are some examples: [ x, class, exact, [ A ] ], [ guess, dose, between, [ 0.5, 2 ] ]
Type: array
Default: []

# filterDataBy

Filter data by their value in the data object used in oncoprints. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: {}

# filterEdgeBy

Filter edges by their properties used in network graphs. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: {}

# filterFeatureBy

Filter features by their properties used in genome browser. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: {}

# filterMode

Mode for the legend filters. Can be set to hide the data using transparency or to color the data points with the missingDataColor
Type: string
Default: hide
Options: hide, color

# filterNodeBy

Filter nodes by their properties used in network graphs. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: {}

# filterSkipNullKeys

Flag to indicate to bypass filtering when a key is non existent in the data objects
Type: boolean
Default: false

# filterSkipNullValues

Flag to indicate to bypass filtering when a value is null
Type: boolean
Default: false

# filterSmpBy

Filter samples by their annotation included in the data.x object used in one dimensional plots. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: {}

# filterType

# filterVarBy

Filter variables by their annotation included in the data.z object used in one dimensional plots. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: {}