Data Table : Parameters associated with the data table

# colWidth

# colorDataTable

# colorDataTableTransparency

Transparency for the background of the data table cells if colored
Type: float
Default: 0.5

# dataTableAutoColumnWidth

Flag to calculate the width of the columns based on the header
Type: boolean
Default: true

# dataTableBorderColor

# dataTableBorders

# dataTableCellLinkUnderline

Flag to underline url or anchor links in cells in the data table
Type: boolean
Default: true

# dataTableColHide

# dataTableColMetadata

Metadata for the cols in the data table. Key is the sample name and the value is the column info
Type: object
Default: {}

# dataTableColOrder

Array to store the column sorting for the data table. It only applies to meta data and exclude variables or samples. Those not included willl be placed last
Type: array
Default: []

# dataTableColProperties

Properties for the cols in the data table. Key is the sample name and the value is the width in pixels
Type: object
Default: {}

# dataTableHeaderBordersShow

Flag to show/hide the Flag to show the borders in the data table headers. The color of the border will be the same as that used for the base color of the UI widgets
Type: boolean
Default: true

# dataTableImage

# dataTableRowOrder

Array to store the row sorting for the data table. It only applies to meta data and exclude variables or samples. Those not included willl be placed last
Type: array
Default: []

# dataTableRowProperties

Properties for the rows in the data table. Key is the variable name and the value is the height in pixels
Type: object
Default: {}

# dataTableStripeShow

Flag to show/hide the Flag to show the stripes in the data table rows
Type: boolean
Default: true

# dataTableStripeTransparency

Transparency for the stripes in the data table using the base color for the UI widgets
Type: float
Default: 0.05

# dataTableTransposed

# dataTableZeroHeader

# maxCols

# maxRows

# networkShowDataTable

# refresehDataTableOnDraw

# rowHeight

# rowLines

# showDataTableOnSelect

Flag to show/hide the Flag to indicate to show data after selecting data in the plot
Type: boolean
Default: false