Data UI Widgets : Parameters associated with all data UI widgets

# dataUIStyle

Style for the UI
Type: string
Default: modern
Options: false, stripped, modern, old, bms, rdc, ngs360

# widgetsAccentColor

Color for the accent elements in all the UI widgets. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: color
Default: rgba(83, 105, 255, 0.1)

# widgetsBackgroundColor

Color for the background all the UI widgets. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: color
Default: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95)

# widgetsBaseColor

Color for the elements in all the UI widgets. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: color
Default: rgb(83, 105, 255)

# widgetsBorderColor

Color for the border of all elements in all the UI widgets. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: color
Default: rgb(83, 105, 255)

# widgetsContrastColor

Color for the contrast elements in all the UI widgets. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: color
Default: rgb(83, 105, 255)

# widgetsFontColor

Color for the the elements in all the UI widgets. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: color
Default: rgb(34, 34, 34)

# widgetsHoverTransparency

Transparency for the elements in all the UI widgets when mouse overs. It only applied if the dataUIStyle is set to false
Type: float
Default: 0.2

# widgetsIconClsAColor

# widgetsIconClsBColor

# widgetsIconClsCColor

# widgetsIconClsCColor

# widgetsStripedColor

Color for the stripe elements in the data table
Type: color
Default: rgba(83, 105, 255, 0.05)