General : General properties used in most visualizations

Click in graph to show relevant configuration - Click in hashtag to open in new page

# editable

Prevent data editing in JS Fiddle and CodePen by disabling the option in the File menu
Type: boolean
Default: true

# fullTextMeasureCheck

Perform a comprehensive review of variable and sample name lengths when exceeding the specified quantity. This is beneficial for extensive data sets, as canvas lacks an efficient method for measuring text
Type: integer
Default: 500

# graphName

String used to store popular graph or plot names to map to the real graphType parameter in CanvasXpress
Type: string
Default: false

# graphOrientation

Specifies the orientation of one-dimensional graphs
Type: string
Default: horizontal
Options: horizontal, vertical

# graphType

Specifies the type of graph to be rendered
Type: string
Default: Bar
Options: Area, AreaLine, Bar, BarLine, Boxplot, Bin, Binplot, Bubble, CDF, Chord, Circular, Contour, Correlation, Density, Donut, DotLine, Dotplot, Fish, Gantt, Genome, Heatmap, Hex, Hexplot, Histogram, KaplanMeier, Line, Lollipop, Map, Meter, Network, ParallelCoordinates, Pareto, Pie, QQ, Quantile, Radar, Ridgeline, Sankey, Scatter2D, Scatter3D, ScatterBubble2D, Spaghetti, Stacked, StackedLine, StackedPercent, StackedPercentLine, Streamgraph, Sunburst, TagCloud, Tornado, Tree, Treemap, Upset, Violin, Volcano, Venn, Waterfall

# invertGraph

Option to reverse one-dimensional horizontal graphs for plotting from right to left
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isChat

# isCxplot

Automatically set a flag to indicate operation through the cxplot interface. Exclusive to developers
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isDataFrame

Flag to indicate to use the data object as a data frame from R or Python
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isR

Automatically set a flag to indicate operation through the R API interface. Exclusive to developers
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isReproducibleResearch

Flag set to track user modifications for Reproducible Research. Intended for developers exclusively
Type: boolean
Default: true

# layoutTable

Flag to display the table and the filters without the canvas in the layout view
Type: boolean
Default: false

# metaData

# overplotPixels

Specify the pixel count for stacking to address overplotting. Increased values result in reduced overplotting, particularly advantageous for datasets with numerous variables
Type: integer
Default: 500000

# password

# plotStyle

Style for some shapes used mainly in boxplot, violin and density plots
Type: string
Default: default
Options: default, ggplot, ggplotSwitched, open, border

# reproduceTime

Duration in milliseconds to wait for replicating user modifications via the UI
Type: integer
Default: 500

# skipRender

# tableLayout

Flag to display the table and the filters without the canvas in the table view
Type: boolean
Default: false

# theme

The style for the plot or theme will control all the non-data elements of the plot including titles, legends, axes, panel and plot background colors and other stylistic elements
Type: string
Default: none
Options: none, grey, gray, igray, ggplot, bw, linedraw, light, dark, minimal, classic, void0, economist, excel, tableau, stata, solarized, ptol, highcharts, wsj, ggblanket, cx, cxdark

# view

Specify the initial view or display for the visualization
Type: string
Default: canvas
Options: canvas, table, layout