Loess : Parameters used to create smooth lines in 2d scatter plots

# loessBandwidth

Loess bandwidth. Thickness for the confidence of the loess curve. A vaulue between 0 and 1
Type: float
Default: 0.8
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessCell

Loess cell. If interpolation is used this controls the accuracy of the approximation via the maximum number of points in a cell in the kd tree. Cells with more than floor(n*span*cell) points are subdivided
Type: float
Default: 0.2
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessDegree

Loess degree. 0 : Constant, 1 : Linear, 2 : Quadratic
Type: string
Default: 2
Options: 0, 1, 2
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessFamily

Loess Family. Type of error distribution to be optimized in fitting. The default, gaussian, is fitting with least squares. Fitting with Tukeys biweight M-Estimator is used if family is symmetric
Type: string
Default: gaussian
Options: gaussian, symmetric
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessNormalize

Flag to normalize loess fit in Scatter2D plots
Type: boolean
Default: true
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessSpan

Loess span. Factor to adjust the gaussian shape of the loess curve. A vaulue between 0 and 1
Type: float
Default: 0.75
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessStatistics

LoessStatistics. The statistics to be computed exactly, approximately or not at all? Exact computation can be very slow
Type: string
Default: approximate
Options: approximate, exact
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessSteps

Loess steps. Number of steps to smooth the line
Type: integer
Default: 30
Used in: Scatter2D

# loessSurface

Loess Surface. The fitted surface to be computed exactly (direct) or via interpolation from a kd tree
Type: string
Default: interpolate
Options: direct, interpolate
Used in: Scatter2D

# showLoessFit

Flag to show/hide the Flag to show the loess fit in Scatter2D plots
Type: boolean
Default: false
Used in: Scatter2D