Network Node and Edge Attributes : General parameters used for nodes and edges in networks

# colorEdgeBy

Name of the attribute to color the edges
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Network

# colorNodeBy

Name of the attribute to color the nodes
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Network

# maxEdgeSize

Thickness for the edges when the edges are sized by a property. Should be a value between 10 and 20
Type: float
Default: 10
Used in: Network

# minEdgeSize

Number of pixels to add to the minimum thickness for the edges when the edges are sized by a property. Should be a value between 0 and 1.5
Type: float
Used in: Network

# patternNodeBy

Name of the attribute to pattern the nodes
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Network

# shapeNodeBy

Name of the attribute to shape the nods
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Network

# sizeEdgeBy

Name of the attribute to size the edges
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Network

# sizeNodeBy

Name of the attribute to size the nodes
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Network