Overlays : Colored boxes to help in the visualization of samples and variables

# maxOverlayStringLen

Maximum length in characters for the sample or variable metadata when included as an overlay. Anything above is truncated
Type: integer
Default: 30

# overlayTextAlign

Align for the overlays
Type: string
Default: center
Options: left, center, right

# overlayTextBaseline

Baseline for the overlays
Type: string
Default: middle
Options: top, middle, bottom

# overlayTextColor

Color for the text in overlays
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# overlayTextFontSize

Font size for the text in overlays. Be aware that auto scaling font must be turned off for this property to take effect. A more convenient way to modify the size is to use the overlayTextScaleFontFactor
Type: integer
Default: 11

# overlayTextFontStyle

Font style for the overlays
Type: string
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic

# overlayTextMargin

Margin used in overlays
Type: float
Default: 5

# overlayTextRotate

Rotation in degrees for the overlays
Type: integer

# overlayTextScaleFontFactor

Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the overlays font size in the canvas
Type: float
Default: 1

# overlaysLegendPosition

Position for the the variable and sample overlays legend
Type: string
Default: topRight
Options: topRight, right, bottomLeft, bottom

# overlaysThickness

Relative length in pixels for the thickness of the colored boxes to classify samples and or variables in one dimensional plots. This value is adjusted acording to the graph dimensions if the adjustAspectRatio parameter is set to true
Type: integer
Default: 18

# showNameOverlays

Flag to show/hide the the overlays name
Type: boolean
Default: true

# showOverlays

Flag to show/hide the overlays in one dimensional plots
Type: boolean
Default: true

# showSmpOverlaysLegend

Flag to show/hide the sample overlay legends
Type: boolean
Default: false

# showValueOverlays

Flag to show/hide the overlay values in one dimensional plots
Type: boolean
Default: true

# showVarOverlaysLegend

Flag to show/hide the sample overlay legends
Type: boolean
Default: false

# smpOverlayProperties

Object to assign properties of the sample overlays. The key should be a valid sample annotation (metadata) and the value and object with properties like: type, color, spectrum, scheme, showLegend, showName, showBox, rotate, position, thicknes
Type: object
Default: {}

# smpOverlays

Sample metadata to overlay in one dimensional plots
Type: array
Default: []

# smpOverlaysLegendColumns

Number of columns for the sample overlay legends
Type: integer
Default: 1

# varOverlayProperties

Object to assign properties of the variable overlays. The key should be a valid variable annotation (metadata) and the value and object with properties like: type, color, spectrum, scheme, showLegend, showName, showBox, rotate, position, thicknes
Type: object
Default: {}

# varOverlays

Variable metadata to overlay in heatmap plots
Type: array
Default: []

# varOverlaysLegendColumns

Number of columns for the variable overlay legends
Type: integer
Default: 1