Plot and Panel Areas : General plot and panel properties used in all graphs

# backgroundImage

Specifies the url for the background image when the background type is of the type image or panelImage
Type: url
Default: false

# backgroundImageSrc

Specifies the source for the background image when the background type is of the type image or panelImage
Type: string
Default: false

# backgroundType

Specifies the style for the background of the canvas. The canvas background is composed of a frame with a panel where the data is plotted. Either of these elements the may be a solid or gradient color or an image of your choosing. The colorScheme property will be used If gradient is specified
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: solid, gradient, panel, panelGradient, panelSolidGradient, image, panelImage

# panelBackgroundBorderColor

Color for the border in panel background. This includes only the area where the data is plotted
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)

# panelBackgroundBorderLineType

Type of line for the border in panel background. This includes only the area where the data is plotted
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# panelBackgroundBorderSize

Size for the border line in panel background. This includes only the area where the data is plotted
Type: float
Default: 1

# panelBackgroundColor

Color for the panel background. This includes only the area where the data is plotted
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)

# plotBackgroundBorderColor

Color for the border in plot background. This includes the entire graph area
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)

# plotBackgroundBorderLineType

Type of line for the border in plot background. This includes the entire graph area
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# plotBackgroundBorderSize

Size for the border line in plot background. This includes the entire graph area
Type: float
Default: 1

# plotBackgroundColor

Color for the plot background. This includes the entire graph area
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)