Plot Area : General parameters for the plotting area in one dimensional plots

# binAlignment

Alignment for the data points when binned
Type: string
Default: center
Options: left, center, right

# binned

Flag to bin the data points in dotplots and boxplots
Type: boolean
Default: false

# blockContrast

A flag to creates a shade between the samples so there are two backgrounds, one for the odd samples and one for the even samples
Type: boolean
Default: false

# dataValuesFrequency

Frequency for the data values in line graphs
Type: string
Default: ends
Options: all, first, last, ends

# dotplotOutlineThreshold

Maximum number of data points before skipping plotting their outline but only the fill color
Type: integer
Default: 5000

# guidesColor

Color for the the variables and / or samples in one dimensional graphs and multidimensional heatmaps just for aesthetics
Type: color
Default: rgb(204,204,204)

# guidesLength

Length for the the variables and / or samples in one dimensional graphs and multidimensional heatmaps just for aesthetics
Type: float
Default: 5

# guidesLineType

Type of line for the the variables and / or samples in one dimensional graphs and multidimensional heatmaps just for aesthetics
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# guidesShow

Flag to show/hide the the variables and / or samples in one dimensional graphs and multidimensional heatmaps just for aesthetics
Type: boolean
Default: false

# guidesTransparency

Transparency for the color of the the variables and / or samples in one dimensional graphs and multidimensional heatmaps just for aesthetics
Type: float
Default: 1

# guidesWidth

Size for the the variables and / or samples in one dimensional graphs and multidimensional heatmaps just for aesthetics
Type: float
Default: 1

# is3DPlot

Flag to create or not a 3D plot
Type: boolean
Default: false

# jitter

Flag to jitter the data points in dotplots, boxplots and scatter2D plots
Type: boolean
Default: false

# jitterFactor

Factor for jittering. The larger the more jitter
Type: float
Default: 0.8

# linesOnGroups

Flag to create lines on groups when multiple grouping factors are used
Type: boolean
Default: true

# objectBorderColor

Color for the border of all objects in one dimensional graphs. It turns into the non-transparent fill color if set to false
Type: color
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)

# objectColorTransparency

The transparency for the color fill of all objects in one dimensional graphs. A value between 0 and 1
Type: float
Default: 1

# plotByVariable

Flag to indicate whether to group the data variable rather than by sample
Type: boolean
Default: false

# showDataValues

Flag to show/hide the data values in the bar graphs, stacked graphs, dotplots and line graphs
Type: boolean
Default: false

# sina

Flag to jitter the data points in dotplots, boxplots and scatter2D plots with sina style
Type: boolean
Default: false