Variables : Properties associated with variables

# highlightVar

# maxVarStringLen

Maximum length in characters a variable label or description can have so anything above is truncated
Type: integer
Default: 25

# showVariableNames

# varHighlightColor

Color for the higlighted variables
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,0,0)

# varLabelAlign

Align for the variable labels
Type: string
Default: center
Options: left, center, right

# varLabelBaseline

Baseline for the variable labels
Type: string
Default: middle
Options: top, middle, bottom

# varLabelColor

Color for the text in variable labels
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# varLabelFontSize

Font size for the text in variable labels. Be aware that auto scaling font must be turned off for this property to take effect. A more convenient way to modify the size is to use the varLabelScaleFontFactor
Type: integer
Default: 12

# varLabelFontStyle

Font style for the variable labels
Type: string
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic

# varLabelInterval

Interval for the variable labels in heatmaps
Type: integer
Default: 1

# varLabelMargin

# varLabelRotate

Rotation in degrees for the variable labels
Type: integer

# varLabelScaleFontFactor

Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the variable labels font size in the canvas
Type: float
Default: 1

# varTitle

Title for the variables in hetamap plots
Type: string
Default: false

# varTitleAlign

Align for the variable title
Type: string
Default: center
Options: left, center, right

# varTitleBaseline

Baseline for the variable title
Type: string
Default: middle
Options: top, middle, bottom

# varTitleColor

Color for the text in variable title
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# varTitleFontSize

Font size for the text in variable title. Be aware that auto scaling font must be turned off for this property to take effect. A more convenient way to modify the size is to use the varTitleScaleFontFactor
Type: integer
Default: 13

# varTitleFontStyle

Font style for the variable title
Type: string
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic

# varTitleMargin

# varTitleRotate

# varTitleScaleFontFactor

Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the variable title font size in the canvas
Type: float
Default: 1