CanvasXpress was developed as the core visualization component for bioinformatics and systems biology analysis at Bristol-Myers Squibb. It supports a large number of visualizations to display scientific and non-scientific data. CanvasXpress also includes a standalone unobtrusive data table and a filtering widget to allow data exploration similar to those only seen in other high-end commercial applications. Data can be easily sorted, grouped, transposed, transformed or clustered dynamically. The fully customizable mouse events as well as the zooming, panning and drag'n drop capabilities are features that make this library unique in its class.
1. Implemented ability to resize visualization from any direction.
2. Implemented left, bottom and right toolbars to show code, color scheme and font family in the visualizations.
3. Improved aesthetics of the toolbars.
4. Fixed bug in drawing ribbon plots with transformed data.
5. Fixed bug in setting axis values with transformed data (the well known double precission bug in JavaScript).
6. Fixed bug in creating date line plots with cxplot.
7. Fixed bug in seting indices in histograms using dotplots.
1. Fixed bug in calculating the citation height in 2d plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting the legend in 2d plots.
3. Implemented combination kegends for color-shape and color-line.
1. Fixde bug in calculculating space for citation in 2d plots.
2. Implemented labelScaleFontFactor in decorations.
1. Fixed bug in setting legend key size in visualizations.
2. Fixed bug in creating the sitemap.xml.
3. Implemented reCaptcha in the contact form.
4. Fixed bugs in backend of the website.
5. Fixed bug in setting panning limits in visualizations.
6. Fixed bug in setting the height for the sample title in one dimensional graphs.
7. Fixed bug in setting hoverTemplate in grouped graphs.
8. Implemented ability to set the position of the labels in line decorations in one dimensional plots (under or over).
1. Fixed bug in showing tooltip with dashes in heatmaps.
2. Fixed bug in setting the background type panelGradient.
3. Fixed bug in setting the xAxis values in collapesed layout plots.
4. Fixed typos in the documentation.
5. Added sitemap.xml to the website.
1. Fixed bug in css for the home page of the website.
1. Fixed typos in the documentation.
2. Fixed bug with the hoverTemplate in Scatter plots when setting ribbonBy.
1. Fixed bug honoring the citation margin.
2. Fixed bug in setting the citation alignment.
3. Implemented showScatterLineOriginalData to show the original data in Scatter plots where scatterType is line.
1. Fixed bug in legend filtering.
2. Fixed bug in segregated plots with a single variable.
3. Fixed bug in showing tooltip with dashes.
4. Fixed bug in setting properties of the grid lines in the customizer.
5. Fixed bug in setting x axis range with ribbonBy parameter.
1. Implemented additional arrow types in Network graphs.
2. Adjusted square arrow heads in Network graphs.
3. Improved implementation of GPML format for network graphs to improve accuracy of Wikipathways.
1. Fixed bug in drawing the history motion widget.
2. Fixed bug in showing the chat widget in the data table when the chat is disabled.
1. Fixed bug in setting the tooltip for range and lines in Scatter 2D plots.
2. Fixed bug in supporting multiple data objects in the hoverTemplate.
1. Implemented Map, Waterfall, Volcano, Tornado and Spaghetti plots names for LLM.
2. Refactor data for Maps.
3. Fixed css bug in calculating data table column widths.
4. Added support for multiple data objects in the hoverTemplate.
1. Changed default CanvasXpress theme to match logo colors.
2. Fixed data table bug in showing the last empty column.
3. Added shortcuts for Spaghetti and Tornado plots.
4. Implemented ability to show data values in line graph at the end of the lines graphs.
5. Implemeted coloring of data in the data table.
6. Improved layout of the data table.
1. Added methods toi explore summary for R datasets.
2. Added ability to view data tables alone with the data filter (tableLayout).
3. Added ability to maximize the data table and the data filter (layoutTable).
4. Reimplemented password protection for data sets.
5. Adjusted LLM paramerters to be included in the default config.
6. Improved decoration interface in the customizer.
7. Fixed bug in datatable with shifting initial column as a row.
8. Fixed bug in data table showing two many non existent columns.
9. Implemented ability to automatically size the columns in the data table dataTableAutoColumnWidth.
1. Improved UI to get R datasets from github.
2. Fixed bug drawing text decorations in Scatter plots.
3. Fixed bug in hover templates with null values.
4. Fixed bug saving hoverTemplate in PNG and in JSON format files.
5. Fixed bug in saving and parsing text strings with square and curly brackets. at the begining and end of the string.
6. Fixed bug in datatable when hiding/unhiding columns.
7. Fixed bug in drawing lines and strips in layout plots.
1. Implemented callout for tooltips.
2. Refactor parameters names to be consistent.
3. Added pagges for the CanvasXpress AI.
4. Fixed bug in all zero data for boxplots.
5. Fixed bug in calling CanvasXpress from R with raw dataframes.
6. Implemented showing the Median Survival Time in KM plots.
7. Fixed bug in when mouse over point with zero data.
8. Fixed bug in setting decorations witht the customizer.
9. Implemented ability to use html tags to style text in graphs.
1. Fixed bug in tooltips displaying unformated dates.
2. Implemented ability to set up custom breaks in Scatter plots xAxisSetValues and yAxisSetValues.
2. Implemented ability to set up custom minor breaks in Scatter plots xAxisSetMinorValues and yAxisSetMinorValues.
3. First version of producing code to optimize LLM accuracy.
4. Fixed bug in pivoting data.
1. Fixed bug in getting focus in the LLM chat widget.
2. Implemented visualizations for examples to optimize LLM.
3. Implemented ability to create example code to optimize LLM.
1. Implemented LLM class.
2. Improved copilot capabilities.
3. Implemented use of popular graph names to map to the graphType parameter.
4. Cleaned up CanvasXpress.graphTypes definitions.
5. Added CanvasXpress.datasets definitions
1. Fixed bug in opening context menus and toolbar.
2. Improve copilot functionality.
1. Automate the setting of detecting time graphs.
2. Fixed bug trying to build gradient patterns with more than 10 colors.
3. Implemented first version of copilot.
4. Refactored LLM chat interface.
5. Fixed bug exploring meta data in Sankey plots.
6. Fixed bug in legend filtering Ridge line plots with categorical variables.
7. Fixed bug in Leatlet maps.
8. Fixed bug in setting patterns for Line graphs.
9. Fixed creating Ridge line plots after with Scatter plots having large number of samples.
10. Fixed bug displaying regression fits in specialized Scatter plots.
11. Disabled use strict because Google fonts are not loaded under strict mode (To be adressed in the future).
12. Leaflet maps are now working with LLM chat.
1. Fixed bug in setting the sample labels in Area graphs.
2. Implemented ability to filter data programmatically with the parameter filterData.
3. implemented additional operators for filtering data with the parameter filterData.
4. Fixed bug in setting min and max values for the x and y axis using the customizer.
5. Fixde bug in styling the strip labels in layout plots.
6. Fixed bug in drawing the strip borders in layout plots.
7. Implemented various decompressing methods for parquet files.
8. Implemented method to set a Scatter plot context when necessary. Useful when data is long and skiny in contrast to short and wide.
1. Remove constraint to load single column datasets.
2. Fixed bug in layout of complex heatmaps.
3. Added first blog post.
1. Fixed bug in complex heatmaps with segregated samples and segregated variables.
2. Improved matching of KM plots with survminer - ggplot.
3. Fixed bug in inverted bar graph overlays.
4. Improve austhetics of heatmap layout graphs.
1. Added Files (No changes in the library).
1. Fix bug in setting current CanvasXpress object when data displayed as table.
2. Fixed bug in range sliders in the data table.
3. Implemented survminer in cxplot for right censored data but not for count censored data as survminer does NOT store raw data.
4. Implemented counting method for Kaplan-Meier plots.
1. Continue development of CanvasXpress AI.
2. Fixed bug in building CanvasXpress node modules.
1. Fix bug in range widget.
2. Change default for colorDataTable to false.
3. Fixed bug in CCS for LLM interface.
1. Implemented mouse wheel event for horizontal scrolling in data tables.
2. Implemented Drag and Drop events for data tables.
3. Implemented first version of CanvasXpress AI. Great thanks to Andrew Smith.
1. Fixed bug in geom_point in cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in geom_segment in cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in geom_point intruced in previous version.
2. implemented geom_text_repel in cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in reseting data table after reseting the data filters.
2. Automated ability to convert to string factors when used in stacked histograms.
3. Implemented geom_pwc in cxplot.
4. Implemented geom_boxplot with connected lines in cxplot.
5. Implemented geom_segments in cxplot.
6. Implemented geom_curve in cxplot.
7. Fixed bug in scaling the strip labels in layoutplots.
8. Implemented ability to truncate strip labels in layout plots (stripTextMaxLength).
9. Implemented ability to split the strip labels in lines in layout plots (stripTextLines).
10. Fixed bug in aliginment of continuous legends in graphs.
1. Changed defaults for CanvasXpress theme.
2. Deprecated parameter guides and replaced by guidesShow.
3. Fixed bug in canvasxpress-cli nodejs module to properly handle configs.
4. Fixed bug in setting dimension of the data table after sorting.
5. Fix bug in showing transitions / animations.
6. Implemented pieBy parameter in Pie charts.
1. Fixed bug in canvasxpress-cli nodejs module.
2. Implemented HighCharts color scheme.
1. Fixed minor css bugs in the data table.
2. Fixed bug showing URL or anchors in the data table with characters [] or {}.
3. Added tooltip to icons in the toolbars of widgets UIs.
4. Fixed typos in web pages.
1. Fixed bug in sorting data table when ids are numeric.
2. Remove ability to stripe table from the data table toolbar.
3. Fixed bug in hiding data table menus after first click in a data cell.
4. Fixed bug in hidding menus in the data table after hiding/unhiding columns.
5. Implemented color for the last sorted column in the data table.
6. Improved resizing of the data table on window resize.
7. Improved performance for rendering the data table after hiding/unhiding columns.
1. Fix bug in setting theme when reproducing plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting dimensions of the code info div before and after the opening/closing the customizer.
3. Fixed bug in setting dimensions of the code info div before and after the minimize/maximize the graph.
4. Removed tab panels from the library.
5. Disabled moving of plot and password protection (Hid icons from the toolbar).
6. Added parameter to underline links in table cells (dataTableCellLinkUnderline).
7. Added parameters responsive and aspectRatio to control the canvas data-responsive and data-aspect-ratio attributes in the React library.
8. Added ability to resize data table on window resize.
9. Fixed bug reading data frames using base R.
10. Implemented a new visualization called manhattanCNV - Hoping to write a paper :-).
1. Fixed bug when showing dendrograms and data is filtered.
2. Fixed bug in setting sample labels and dimensions with one dimensional plots in layout plots.
3. Disabled ability to explore data with x/y histograms.
4. Fixed bug in showing dendrograms while exploring metadata.
5. Implemented geom_rect and geom_tile in cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in parsing quoted strings in the R interface.
2. Fixed bug in parsing hoverTemplate in the R interface.
3. Implemented ability to add HTML widgets on top of plots to filter data.
4. Re-enabled ability to see objects in data table.
1. Implemented isDataFrame parameter to check if the data is a dataframe.
2. Fixed bug positioning multiple legends in Scatter plots.
3. Fixed bug setting the legend in Network graphs.
4. Fixed bug in reproducible research plots.
5. Added additional style to the UI widgets.
1. Fixed bug drawing pentagon shapes in Scatter plots.
2. Fixed bug in filtering histograms in DOE plots.
3. Fixed bug in economist theme.
4. Implemented ability to plot a generic dataframe from R.
5. Fixed bug in setting the last index in reproduciblity widget.
6. Fixed bug in reproducing network plots with keys that contain spaces.
7. Fixed bug in checking for window to avoid errors in NodeJS.
1. Fixed bug when redrawing scatter plots with fit lines, contours or histograms.
2. Fixied bug in setting decoration text.
1. Fixed bug dropping images in canvas while customizing or exploring data.
2. Added internal maps for plotting.
3. Fixed bug in selecting data in histograms.
4. Fixed bug saving events.
5. Fixed bug in parsing newick dendrograms.
6. Fixed bug in selecting scatter plots with lines.
7. Fixed bug when catching setting void spectrum colors.
8. Fixed bug setting the legend in Network graphs.
1. Fix butg in setting selected data points in Scatter plots.
2. Fixed bug in Stata theme definition.
3. Implemented height for terminal nodes in specified newick dendrograms.
1. Implemented patchwork library in the R interface with ggplot (really cool).
1. Fixed bug in data UI styling.
2. Implemented styling icons with specified data UI styles.
1. Added ability to include Scatter2D, Bar, Dotplot, Line and Meter graphs in Dashboards.
2. Refacteored Meter graphs.
3. Improve functionality of dashboards.
4. Fixed bugs in setting cheme colors and reproducibility functionality introduced in version 49.5.
5. Added ability to show all column names in data table header menus.
1. Fix bugs in the cXplot JS library.
1. Fix bug in the menu color configurator UI.
2. Added parametyer to add a name for the first column in the data table (dataTableZeroHeader).
3. Refactor code to implement plot and panel parameters to match those in the ggplot theme.
4. Matched most of the parameters in the ggplot theme to a CanvasXpress configuration parameter.
5. Fixed bug in reproducing plots with multi-line cconfiguration parameters.
6. Fixed color indicator in heatmap with very long legend titles.
7. Fixed bug with rotated labels in hertmaps.
8. Implemented parameter to rotate secondary axis labels (xAxis2Rotate and yAxis2Rotate).
9. Fixed bug in summarizing data with ALL null values.
1. Improved matching of ggplot theme with cxplot.
2. Fixed bug with Seurat plots.
3. Fixed bug in checking/unchecking columns in the data table.
1. Implemented BMS color scheme for the dta table.
2. Added ability to hide columns in the data table with the array parameter dataTableColHide.
3. Implemented parameter to brand the data table with the company logo dataTableImage.
1. Improved matching of ggplot theme with cxplot.
1. Improved matching of ggplot theme with cxplot.
2. Fixed bugs in various geom functions in cxplot.
3. Improved performance for rendering plots from R and drag and drop.
4. Fixed bug in drawing heatmap color indicators.
5. Implemented binned heatmaps and color indicators.
1. Implemented ability to parse parquet data files used in the hyparquet project (
2. Improved matching of ggplot theme with cxplot.
3. Implemented ability to explore meta data from the data table.
4. Implemented ability to explore data with the filter widgets from the data table.
5. Implemented ability to customize borders in the cells of the data table.
6. Implemented ability to customize the color stripped data table.
1. Fixed mistake in R library interface.
1. Improved matching of ggplot theme with cxplot.
2. Fixed bug in setting tick for heatmap indicators.
3. Improved aesthetics of the data table.
4. Fixed bugs in data table functionality.
5. Implemented highlighting of text in the data table when searching for text.
1. Fixed bugs in layout heatmaps (ComplexHeatmaps).
2. Improved matching of ggplot theme with cxplot.
3. Fixed bug in data table functionality
1. Fixed bug with performance checking for links with URLs and Anchors in the data table.
1. Start using CSS variables to decrease file size and facilitate development of custom CSS.
2. Implemented resizing of rows and columns in the data table programatically.
3. Implemented links with URLs and Anchors in the data table.
1. Implemented styles for the UI widgets.
1. Fixed bug in css for the layout and maximize graph views when showing plots in Dash.
1. Fixed bug in css for the customizer when showing plots in Dash.
2. Improved css style for the stripped table view.
1. Integration with Ruby on Rails.
2. Examples for integration with Vue.js.
1. Implemented segregation of data in heatmaps ala complex heatmaps.
1. Implemented Alluvial plots.
2. Fixed bug in geom_text in cxplot.
3. Fixed bug in mouse clicks with graph whose labels are boolean (true, false).
4. Fixed bug in grouping data after being segregated.
5. Fixed bug in placing overlays in segregated/collapsed plots.
6. Fixed bug in setting scales with no data.
7. Fixed bug in displaying the lasso selection.
8. Fixed bub in opening the customizer widget in Scatter plots.
9. Fixed bug in reproducing visualization when using numeric factors.
10. Fixed bug clicking data points in segregated with numeric factors.
11. Fixed bug removing groupings in segregated plots.
12. Fixed bug in refreshing icons in the context menus.
1. Fixed bug in resetting legend dimensions in Network graphs.
2. Refactor code to improve performance.
1. Refactored rendering method to improve performance.
1. Fixed bug selecting data points in group data.
2. Fixed bug when using wilkinsonExtended algorithm to set axis values using a daa set with unique values.
3. Fixed bug when pivoting grouped data with segregated plots.
4. Fixed bug in segregating by multiple factors when the data is grouped.
5. Fixed bug in Network graphs with Pie decorations.
6. Fixed bug in rotating circular network graphs.
7. Fixed bug drawing labels on layout plots showing original data point in grouped data.
8. Fixed bug when exploring meta data with loess fit graphs.
9. Disabled ability to explore meta data in plots with side histograms.
10. Fixed bug in setting concurrent loess fits, correlation and/or quantile regression fits in Scatter 2D plots.
1. Fixed bug when regrouping data after segregating plots.
2. Fixed bug setting labels with all false values.
3. Fixed bug reproducing KM plots.
4. Fixed bug recycling colors in density plots.
5. Fixed bug in setting markers/labels in Dotplots.
6. Fixed bug in networks with legends overlaping citations.
7. Implemented log ticks like in the GeomLogticks package for ggplot.
8. Implemented sqrt transformation in Scatter 2D plots.
9. implemented reverse transformation for the y Axis in Scatter 2D plots.
1. Fixed bug in updateData to reset cached values.
2. Performance improvements.
1. Refactor code for histograms major.
2. Fixed bug in setting citations in Network graphs.
3. Fixed bug for interface with vue.
4. Fixed bug in calculating density (violins) with very large numbers.
5. Fixed bug when setting color breaks interfering with edge sizing in Network graphs.
1. Demodularized cola layout algorithm.
1. Fixed bug resorting data when updating configuration.
2. Added hoverTemplate parameter to customize hover text in one/two dimensional plots only.
1. Implemented shaping lines by sample in scatter line plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting color scheme in tag clouds.
3. Fixed bug in updating marker decorations.
4. Implemented ability to legend-filter series in scatter line plots.
1. Re-implemented leaflet as a layer in maps (only available at load time).
2. Fixed bug with null data for time series plots
1. Fixed bug in parsing groups and constraints in network graphs.
1. Disabled ability to pattern by variable in combination line graphs.
2. Fixed bug in calculating regression with unique values.
3. Fixed bug in web page for Streamgraph with R code.
4. Fixed bug in creating examples pages for Network graphs with groups and constraints.
5. Fixed bug drawing correlationg plots in Layout graphs.
6. Implemented ability to pattern lines by an x variable in Scatter plots.
1. Changed default for optimizeTextPosition to false to improve performance.
2. Implemented ability to draw time line series using the traditional data structure.
3. Rolled back changes to geoms in the ggplot-like R interfcace.
4. Fixed bug in setting labels with the cxplot interface.
1. Added examples for streamplots ala R.
2. Implemented geom_area in cxplot.
3. Refactor code for loess fits.
1. Added ability to draw the regression equation in scatter plots.
2. Fixed bug in drawing edge color when nodes are colored by a factor in network graphs.
3. Added skeleton functions for all geoms in the ggplot-like R interface.
1. Implemented position for progress bar in network graphs (networkProgressBarPosition).
2. Fixed bug in showing network animations.
1. Fixed bug in R interface. No changes in the JavaScript library.
1. Fixed bug in setting animation in plots.
2. Started implementation of cxplot in R.
3. Fixed bugs in loading network graphs with groups and constraints.
4. Improved layout of cola network graphs.
1. Implemented broadcasting for lines graphs.
1. Added extensive examples for network graphs.
2. Fixed bug in setting starting left coordinates in parallel coordinates plots and area graphs.
1. Fixed bug in setting the convergence threshold for force directed layouts.
1. Implemented cola algorithm to layout network graphs (really cool).
2. Fixed bug in tooltip when data is color by the same sample in Scatter 2d plots.
3. Fixed bug in setting paterns for stacked line plots.
4. Fixed bug in auto generating R code.
1. Fixed bug in drawing Metabase plots.
2. Refactored code to input data.
1. Fixed bug in regression functions.
2. Fixed bug in geom_line with cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in setting order for levels in layout plots.
2. Improve handling of factor data in cxplots.
3. Fixed bug in reseting correlation plots.
4. Refactor code for regression functions
1. Fixed bug in reseting cxplot graphs.
2. Implemented geom_area in cxplot.
3. Fixed bug in setting transformed ticks with Infinity values in Scatter plots.
4. Implemented z axis configuration in the customizer.
5. Fixed bug in the legend background color in the Excel scheme.
6. Fixed bug in saving special cases of JSON in maps.
7. Fixed bug in setting JSON properties with spaces in network graphs.
1. Fix bug in R interface.
1. implemented parameter to add transparency to lines in scatter plots scatterLineAlpha.
2. implemented parameter to add transparency to points in scatter plots scatterPointAlpha.
3. Implemented geom_stream in cxplot.
4. Implemented censoring rug in KM plots.
5. Implemented data table in KM plots.
1. Fixed bug in geom_errorbarh in cxplot (this time is for real).
2. Implemented ability to fit loess by a factor.
3. Implemented ability to include multiple geoms of the same kind in cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in parsing data file in cxplot
2. Fixed bug in geom_errorbar in cxplot
1. Fixed bug in creating geom_bar plots with cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in geom_smooth in cxplot.
2. Fixed bug in geom_errorbar in cxplot.
3. Implemented method to plot calculated values in x,y,z aesthetics in cxplot.
4. Implemeted method to plot barlines in cxplot.
5. Fixed mouse on tooltips in Network graphs.
6. Fixed bug in setting minimum width in edges in Network graphs.
1. Fixed bug in geom_errorbar in cxplot.
2. Implemented method to select data points in cxplot.
1. Fixed bug in selecting data while in codepen and jsfiddle.
2. Implemented geom_errorbar in cxplot (only for dotplots - more to come).
3. Fixed bug in sina plots.
1. Fixed bug in parsing data with factor values in aes method from ggplot.
2. Implemented sina plots and geom_sina in cxplot.
1. Improved selection of transformed data ticks in Scatter2D plots.
2. Added factor parameter to adjust data by axis similar to the floor and ceil parameters.
3. Added ability to parse multiplication in aes method from ggplot included in the x and y parameters.
1. Added noCanvas class to R package to be able to code JavaScript in R-Studio.
2. Added more BMS colors.
3. Fixed setting the color for the font in the mouse over tooltip.
4. Fixed bug in segregating geom_histogram with gg_facet.
5. Improved matching of ggplot style with cXplot.
6. Fixed bug in trying to segregate data using a factor called 'variable'.
7. Fixed bug calculating contours in segregated plots.
8. Improved consistency in plot style between ggplot and cxplot.
9. Fixed bug setting tick marks with log transformed data.
10. Added parameter edgeSeparationFactor to adjust the separation between edges and nodes in Network graphs.
11. Fixed bug in the widget for grid customizer.
1. Fixed bug in tooltip in circular plots.
2. Implemented algorithm to optimize placement of labels in Scater 2D plots similar to ggrepel in ggplot.
1. Match ggplot style for geom_line / geom_path plots.
2. Improved time series in Sccatter 2D plots.
3. Implemented geom_polygon in cxplot.
4. Improved geom_labels and geom_text in cxplot.
5. Fixed bug drawing arrows in Network graphs woth edges of different sizes.
6. Fixed bug in setting layout topology with cxplot.
7. Fixed bug in tooltips in circular plots.
1. Implemented ability to create cxplot code.
2. Fixed bug in facet plots with ggplot.
3. Match ggplot style for geom_bar plots.
4. Implemented range filtering with legends for numeric properties in network graphs.
5. Fixed bug in legend filtering with multiple edges between the same nodes.
6. Implemented discrete legend filtering with numeric properties in network graphs.
7. Implemented legend order in network graphs.
8. standardize filtering behaviours across all graphs using legends and filters.
9. Fixed bug in showing other canvasxpress objects while customizing.
10. Fixed bug in zooming hexbin plots.
11. Fixed typo in examples widget in web page.
12. Fixed bug in wrangling data in area plots.
13 Added parameters to adjust edge thicknes when sized (minEdgeSize and maxEdgeSize).
1. Fixed bug in setting legend titles in Network graphs.
2. Implemented ability to set custom colors in Network graphs.
3. Fixed bug in hiding labels in data filter in Network graphs.
4. Fixed bug in setting min and max values for density plots and ridge-line plots.
5. Implemented ability to customize showing Netwrok legends (i.e. showColorNodeLegend, showShapeNodeLegend, showColorEdgeLegend etc).
6. Implemented ability to convert numeric attributes to strings and viceversa in Network graphs (stringNodeAttributes and stringEdgeAttributes).
7. Implemented ability to detect functions in aes method from ggplot.
8. Rename parameter variableSpaceFactor to variableSpace.
9. Remove parameter sampleSpaceFactor.
10. Fixed bug in drawing arcs with radius less than zero in network graphs.
11. Implemented scale factor to size nodes in network graphs (nodeSizeScaleFactor).
1. Fixed bug in tooltips for overlays in one dimensional plots.
2. Implemented ability to filter Network plots with legends.
3. Fixed bug with the modeling of the ggplot geom_line.
1. Fixed bug in customizer double click.
2. Added ability to add / remove counts as a variable to dataset (countData/uncountData).
3. Added ability to add / remove counts as a sample to dataset in the customizer.
4. Added more functionality to the customizer for Circular graphs.
1. Small performance improvements.
2. Fix bug grouping and setting boolean factors in one dimensional plots.
1. Fixed bug in plotting ggplot objects with geom_bar.
2. Fixed bug in plotByVariable methods.
1. Implemented support for line fits (smoothing) by variable categories in Scatter 2D plots (color and line pattern).
2. Fixed bug in plotting ggplot objects with dodge position.
3. Fixed bug in setting splits with widthFactor in one dimensional plots.
1. Fixed bug in drawing boxplot whiskers with odd IQR values.
2. Implemented ideograms in genome plots.
3. Implemented support for all plots in the Seurat package V5.
4. Implemented ability to pass custom configurations to ggplot objects.
5. Implemented setPlotLeft, setPlotTop, setPlotY and setPlotX parameters to align graphs ala ComplexHeatmap (examples to come).
1. Improved aesthetics for facet plots created through cxplot / ggplot.
2. Fixed bug in decorations with styled lines.
3. Fixed bug in tooltips for sample overlays with vertical orientation.
1. Implemented ggplot facet_grid.
2. Fixed bug with missing data in slpit plots.
3. Fixed bug in boxplot split plots.
4. Implemented legendColumns parameter in sample and variable overlays.
5. Adjusted style in layout plots to match ggplot.
1. Fixed bug in setting ready flag before loading external fonts.
2. Implemented first version of complexHeatmap ala R.
3. Implemented splitSamplesBy and splitVariablesBy for complexHeatmap.
4. Fixed bug in multidimensional heatmaps with siseBy property.
6. Deprecated heatmapVarSeparateBy and heatmapSmpSeparateBy properties.
1. Implemented ability to place label in Networks with radial layouts.
2. Added method to facilitate selection of data point based on an anotation value.
3. Added default behavior in datatable to highlight data points in graph when a cell with an annotation level is clicked.
4. Delayed flag to declare object ready in maps. It should fixed a bug in the canvasxpress-cli module.
5. Fixed bug in setting thickness for edges in Networks.
1. Honor parameter to center node labels in Network plots with radial layouts.
2. Improve size for icons in customizer.
1. Disable xxsmall size in customizer.
1. Improved functionality for metadata exploration.
2. Improved size selection for scatterplot data points.
3. Fixed bug in discrepancy in Dotplots and ggplot.
4. Adjusted size of data points in Dotplots to match ggplot.
5. Fixed bug in setting color for variables in Heatmaps.
6. Fixed bug in calculating size depending on screen resolution.
7. Fixed bug in setting scope for decorations in segregated plots.
8. Fixed bug in setting samples labels that are repeated in non grouped data.
9. Fixed bug showing regression lines in SPLOM plots.
1. Fixed bug when passing transformData as a parmeter in the config.
2. Added examples for more non-linear regression fits.
3. Added parameter to disable dragging of the canvas in Bubble plots.
4. Added ability to pann and zoom bubble plots.
5. Added additional examples for remote graphs.
1. Fixed bug in cxplot creating boxplots when specifyin a numerical value as group.
1. Fixed bug in stringifying JSON with square brackets in double quotes.
2. Improved functionality of tabpanels.
1. Fixed bug drawing curved edges in Network graphs.
2. Automate selection of arrow heads in self nodes in Network graphs.
3. Implemented arrow heads for lines (see arrowHeadType, arrowHeadSize, arrowHeadAngle).
4. Fixed bug in zooming networks with mouse wheel.
5. Fixxed bug in panning zoomed networks with mouse.
1. Fixed bugs in scroll boxes in customizer.
2. Improve aesthetics and functionality of the data table.
3. Improve aesthetics and functionality of the data filter.
4. Remove imcomplete support for touch devices.
5. Fixed bug in dragging and dropping objects in the canvas which collideed with touch support.
1. Improved aesthetics of the customizer.
2. Fixed minor bugs.
1. Fixed bug in creating jsfiddle and codepen links.
2. Fixed bug adjusting the dimensions of the container when transposing the data table.
3. Improved aesthetics of the customizer.
1. Improve bubble plot visualizations.
1. Automate the sizing of the toolbar according to the size of the graph.
2. Added ability to drag and drop regular images as background in graphs.
3. Improved precision for crisper lines in canvas.
1. Fixed other bugs in Node JS module.
1. Fixed bug in React module.
2. Fixed bug in Node JS module.
1. Fixed bug drawing the watermark.
2. Fixed bug in React module.
1. Improved maps visualizations and facilitate complex implementations.
2. Fixed bug in coloring of SPLOM visualizations.
1. Fixed bug warning on changing title colors in customizer.
2. Fixed bug in customizer parsing null values.
3. Fixed bug in setting margins in stacked percent graaphs.
4. Fixed bug in setting transformed values in axes in Scatter2D plots.
5. Added UpSet plot icon to the examples floating div in web page.
6. Fixed bug in R interface to ggplot when missing aes in initial call.
7. Implemented ability to add variables and samples as overalys in one dimensional plots.
8. Implemented boxplots in overlays.
1. Added semicolon as posible separator for delimited text files.
2. Implemented UpSet plots (as per Kostas Mavrommatis request. First stable version).
3. Implemented various scale methods for ggplot and the R interface.
4. Fixed bug with using images as sample labels in one dimensional plots.
1. Fixed bug in plugin for RevealJS.
2. Modified initialization to enable better integration with the python interface.
1. Implemented ability to group all sample without the need of metadata.
2. Fixed bug cutting labels in Stacked Percent graphs.
3. Fixed bug in logic calculating jitter (improved performance).
1. Fixed bug in hiding remote graphs.
2. Fixed bug when using RequireJS with python.
3. Fixed bug in assigning color for background of tooltips.
4. Fixed bug in pivoting data with unique false values.
1. Fixed bug in setting color transparencies.
2. Fixed bug in drawing the last tick in percentage graphs.
3. Improved password protection of data.
1. Fixed bug in setting default values in the config when retrieving code.
2. Added icon to show Jupyter code to example pages in web site.
3. Added 20 web-safe fonts as default.
4. Fixed css (z-index and scroll) to pages containing multiple visualizations.
5. Fixed bug in password protection.
6. Implemented encryption of data at rest when password is set.
7. Implemented native plugin for Reveal JS and Quarto.
8. Added ability to size toolbar with parameter toolbarSize.
9. Added ability to include items in the toolbar with the parameter toolbarIncludeItems.
10. Fixed bug in calculating density with unique values (zero - range).
11. Fixed bug in refreshing filters when exploring data.
12. Added class name to canvases in R library.
13. Added ability to edit code in-line (experimental).
14. Fixed bug in setting transprent background of legends.
1. Fixed bug placing rotated labels in grouped data.
2. Fixed bug in sorting legend labels.
3. Placed NA values at the end of labels to match ggplot.
4. Fixed bug in IQR in boxplots.
5. Change rotation of labels when they are too long and are called with cxplot.
6. Fixed bug in drawing labels when called with cxplot.
7. Implemented full themes to match those in ggplot.
1. Implemented password protection to prevent modifying the visualization and metadata exploration.
1. Fixed bug placing color indicator legends with long titles.
2. Fixed bug converting network decorations to stacked graphs.
3. Fixed bug whwen setting view to table.
4. Fixed bug setting position for the motion bar in visualizations.
5. Fixed several bugs in the customizer.
6. Fixed bug in missing graphType with cXplot.
7. Fixed bug in temporarily hidding remote graphs.
8. Anchored position for DOM element showing code.
1. Fixed bug drawing tick marks outside the range of color indicators.
2. Fixed bug reading zero values in json config.
3. First version of tab panel. Set disabled by default.
1. Fixed bug in tooltip callout (removed).
1. Changed behavior for broadcasting across boxplots and dotplot.
2. Fixed bug reseting filters after pressing ESC.
3. Implemented color background in tooltips.
1. Fixed bug in broadcasting from Scatter plots to Boxplots/Dotplots.
2. Fixed bug in setting scales with very small values.
3. Fixed bug in showing tooltip where label is false.
1. Fixed bug when trying to drag code divs while customizing graphs.
1. Fixed bug in toolbar click on the customizer when grahs are very small.
2. Fixed bug dropping numeric columns after a remote pull with resort values.
3. Fixed bug in DOE with missing variables in datasets.
4. Fixed bug broadcasting across one to two dimensional plots.
5. Implemented double click events for marker decorations.
1. Added extra check to get ring of "" values coming from the python package that are null in CanvasXpress.
2. First stable version of the customizer.
3. Implemented broadcasting across iframes to support broadcasting in jupyter lab.
4. Fixed bug drawing dotted and dashed axis ticks lines in scatter and one dimensional plots.
1. Added parameter to maximize graph on layout.
2. Added ability to minimize / maximize graph while customizing and layout.
3. Fixed bug in scrolling customzer.
4. Fixed bug in color indicator legends that got truncated because of approximation errors.
1. Implemented parameter to change the look of select entries in customizer.
2. Fixed bug in recursively calculating legend for segregated heatmaps.
3. Disallowed ability to create KM plots from non-KM layout plots.
4. Fixed bug coloring dotplot histogram by a numerical factor.
5. Fixed bug trying to create histograms with binplots.
6. Implemented removing null variables after pivoting.
7. Fixed bug fine adjusting layout plots with decorations.
8. Fixed bug with double scoped marker in layout plots.
9. Further develop in data customizer (still more to come).
1. Implemented resizing of code widgets.
2. Added animation to customizer.
3. Fixed inconsistencies when pivoting data with false or null values.
4. Fixed bug in adding / updating markers in layout plots.
5. Improved functionality of customizer (still more to come).
1. Improved layout of customizer widget.
2. Improved placement of markers in graphs.
3. Fixed spelling mistakes in web pages.
4. Added ability to include license string as a parameter.
5. Fixed bug saving events for reproducible research.
6. Fixed bug pivoting data with null values.
1. Fixed bug in instantiating CanvasXpress with a table in the DOM.
2. Modify data exploration with filters and table functionality to take the whole screen.
3. Deprecated Data Explorer widget and replaced with new whole window customizer (really cool).
4. Adjusted text in circular graphs to be easy to read.
5. Improved marker placement to included error bars when appropriate.
6. Fixed bug if customizing properties with menus.
7. Fixed bug in turning on outline in drawn objects.
8. Fixed bug in setting legends on the bottom.
9. Fixed bug drawing color indicators in top and bottom of the graph.
10. Fixed bug in showing tooltip in contours (only one dimensional graphs).
11. Fixed bug in Python code writer.
12. Fixed spelling errors in various pages.
13. Fixed bug setting data point size in scatter and one dimensional plots.
1. Added internal ticks to color indicators.
2. Fixed bug in setting overlay font color.
3. Fixed bug in setting highlight sample color in circular graphs.
4. Revert default for object border color to black.
5. Set minor axis ticks default to false.
6. Fixed bug when zooming graphs with markers.
7. Fixed bug configuring axis sample titles.
8. Fixed bug setting patterns in heatmaps.
9. Fixed bug with spacing of layout plots with overlays.
10. Fixed bug in calculating axis title spacing in Scatter2D plots.
11. Fixed bug in setting legends in Maps.
1. Fixed bug showing x,y grid in visium plots.
2. Fixed bug in showingplots in the RStudio viewer.
3. Fixed bug in parsing topoJSON.
4. Fixed bug when highlighting heatmap cells.
5. Fixed bug changing title color in layout plots.
6. Fixed bug in drawing long sample labels in circular plots.
7. Implemented multi-line arc text in circular plots.
8. Implemented disjoint network layout.
9. Fixed bug in trying to load the image twice in visium plots.
10. Added ability to lasso select in Network graphs.
11. Fixed bug in the implementation for markers.
12. Fixed another obscure layout shift in visium plots.
1. Fixed bug that prevented dragging legends.
2. Fixed bug when changing theme.
3. Fixed bug setting min value to zero through the configurator.
1. Changed background color default for legend key to transparent.
2. Disallowed SE loess calculation for datasets with more that 2000 variables.
3. More legend refactoring.
4. Fixed data file for dotplot 15.
5. Disallowed setting negative dimensions to canvas.
6. Fixed bug when including new lines in marker decorations.
7. Improve functionality and API for marker/text decorations.
8. Added position to marker/text decorations.
1. Deprecated parameter legend and changed to customLegend.
2. Deprecated legendPositionAuto.
3. Fixed bug when displaying remote Network plots.
1. Implemented ability to plot CanvasXpress graphs with an input ggplot object.
1. Improve tooltips for boxplot data.
2. Reuse random seed to recalculate jitter.
3. Implemented line, path stepLine and ribbon plots in Scatter 2D graphs to use by cxplot.
4. Dsiabled ability to explore metadata in layout plots.
5. Fixed bug when clicking the customize button in the data explorer.
6. Fixed missing legends and axis titles in layout plots.
7. Fixed bug calculating range whenn all data is zero.
8. Fixed bug in color indicator with values outside the data range.
9. Implementer parameter to change legend titles (legendTitleColor, legendTitleScaleFontFactor, legendTitleStyle, etc).
1. Implemented lollipop plots in Genome graphs.
2. Fixed bugs in after modifying DOE layout topology.
3. Fixed bug in legend filtering in boxplots not showing individual data points.
4. Disable ability to create CDF, QQ plots, etc in visium plots.
5. Fixed bug in over writting properties after correlations.
6. Fixed bug when exploring metadata in Scatter plots with side histograms.
7. Fixed bug in reseting visium plots with undifined properties.
8. Implemented legend filtering to match same behavior as that for data selection.
9. Fixed bug in broadcasting selected datapoint to CanvasXpress objects not included in the master selection object.
1. Fixed bug in reconfiguration of visium plots.
2. Fixed bug in combination line plots after exploring meta data.
3. Fixed bug in pattern heatmaps.
4. Fixed bug in collapsed and adjusted layout plots.
5. Fixed bug in setting color of missing data points.
6. Added support to parse xml.bz2 files for Networks.
1. Fixed css bug in dataexplorer.
2. Minor bug fixes.
3. Fix bug in clicklegend broadcast functionality.
1. Fixed bug in clicklegend broadcast functionality.
2. Fix bux in binplots bin width and bin number.
1. Implemented color by a factor in dotplot histograms.
2. Change default for histogram bins to match that in ggplot (30).
3. Added event clicklegend to broadcast to other canvases.
4. Added 'broadcastIds' array parameter to limit broadcasting when necessary. Dafaults to all canvases in page.
1. Implemented bin 2d plots to match geom_bin_2d and bin_hex in ggplot.
2. Refactor qq plots to match those in ggplot.
3. Refactor cdf plots to match those produced with stat_ecdf in ggplot.
4. Implemented stat_ellipse in cxplot.
5. Added data transform to data explorer.
1. Fixed bug in setting colors in various layout plots (bug introduced in 37.3)
2. implemented boxplotVarWidth and groupingFactorWindow parameter which match varwidth and cut_width in R for boxplot.
1. Implemented lineType in Genome plots.
2. Fixed bug in chopping right tiles in Genome plots.
3. Disable ability to pivot Sunburst graphs.
4. Remove 'none' from the loess statistics as it produces errors even in the original c/fortran code.
5. Developed first prototype of cxplot.
6. Fixed bug setting boolean labels.
7. Fixed bug in calculating confidence with new algorithm.
1. Fixed bug in setting iterations in loess algorithm.
2. Implemented loess as in R. Full translation of c and frotran code to JS.
3. Modified tooltip object in Genome plots.
4. Added ability to hide shape legends in Genome plots.
5. Fixed bug drawing Y axis titles in Contour plots.
1. Fixed bug filling last level in contour plots.
2. Disallowed to segregate histograms data created with one dimensional graphs.
3. Added tooltip to decoration points in Contour plots.
4. Added legend after lines are colered by a factor with the lineBy parameter.
5. Implemented additional functionalities to Contour plots to match those in ggplot.
6. Fixed bug when transposing Density plots.
7. Disabled ability to modify data point attributes in Kaplan Meier plots.
8. Fixed bug in drawing color legends in Circular plots.
9. Fixed bug in saving Sankey images.
10. Added ability to show path in histograms to match geom_freqply in ggplot.
11. Modified jitter algorithm to match that one from R.
12. Changed jitter default to false.
13. Disabled ability to bin data in Circular plots.
14. Disabled ability to do any data operation after creating a histogram.
15. Added ability to draw quantiles in Violin plots.
16. Fixed bug in setting aspect ratio of non-visium Scatter2D plots.
17. Fixed bug drawing citations in Genome graphs.
18. fixed bug in drawing color indicator in Genome graphs.
19. Extended data object returned on events for Genome graphs.
20. Implemented ability to hide legends in Genomes plots.
21. Fixed bug draw color indicators in Genome plots.
22. Fixed bug setting legend boxes in dataframes in Genome plots.
23. Added ability to set min and max for the dataframes in Genome graphs.
24. Implemented Fisher-Newton algorithm for Quantile Regression.
1. Fixed additional bugs with Visium plots.
2. Fixed bug in segregation plots after a DOE exploration.
3. Fixed bug showing contour levels in Contour plots.
4. Fixed typos in menu UI.
5. Fixed bugs in trying to create contour plots with single data points.
6. KNOWN ISSUE: Innability to segregate graphs with histograms.
1. Added ablity to extend limits in contour plots.
2. Disallowed transposing of circular graphs showing ideogram.
3. Fixed bug in drawing Scatter3D plots with single dayta points.
4. Fixed bug in setting Contour plots.
5. Disallowed Contour plots for multiple data series in Scatter plots.
6. Disallowed data explorer for Network graphs.
7. Disallowed clustering in Meter graphs.
8. Fixed positioning of citation text in layout graphs.
9. Fixed translation and scaling of objects in maps.
1. Fixed bug in sorting stacked graphs.
2. Fixed bug in the UI to sort samples and variables.
3. Add parameter to sort group names after grouping samples ('sortOnGrouping').
4. Small changes to ggplot theme.
5. Added parameter to sepate lines by a factor annotation lineBy.
6. Deprecated parameter SpaghettiBy and replaced by lineBy to simplify.
7. Refactored Contour plots to match R.
8. Fixed bug in setting legend dimension when breaks are provided.
9. Disabled shift-ctrl-s in Windows computers (again).
10. Fixed bug transposing Circular plots with segregations.
11. Fixed bug when plotting a single variable in Scatter3D plots.
12. Fixed typos in examples.
13. Fixed bug reproducing Genome browser plots.
14. Added ability to create Python and Jupyter code.
15. Refactored Density plots to match R.
16. Implemented position for Density plots according to R (normal, stacked and filled).
17. Fixed bug with double float point approximation.
1. Fixed bug in visium plots.
2. Implemented density contours.
3. Fixed bug in drawing contrast color areas even chromosome (numbers) in manhattan plots.
4. Fixed bug in showing tooltips of lines in histograms.
5. Fixed bug in setting min value for xAxis in histograms.
6. Fixed bug in legend filtering of boxplots layout graphs.
7. Fixed bug in reproducing histogram functions.
8. Disabled shift-ctrl-s in Windows computers.
9. Fixed bug in filtering graphs with dendrograms.
1. Added method to clean double precision issues in scales.
2. Improved social pages (web site).
3. Fixed links in web pages.
1. Added ability to pass configuration to the asDOE parameter.
2. Allowed to draw DOE for Sankey and Tree graphs.
3. Fixed bugs in many graphs with DOEs.
4. Fixed bug in reproducing clicks in DOE graphs.
5. Implemented ability to show data in sortable tables in DOE subgraphs (kewl!).
6. Implemented ability to color, shape and size data points in dataframes in Genome visualizations.
7. Fixed bug placing median value for histogram and density plots.
8. Coordinated scrolling according to OS running CanvasXpress.
9. Fixed bug in setting node and edge colors in Network diagrams.
10. Disallowed reproduce in Montion graphs.
11. Disallowed table transposition in Venn diagrams.
12. Disallowed QQ and CDF plots on SPLOM graphs.
13. Fixed bug setting Italic style for text.
14. Fixed bug in centered text on menus when in Shiny apps.
15. Fixed bug in positioning line decoration on histogram plots.
16. Disallowed explore DOE in contour graphs.
17. Refactored Meter graphs.
18. Implemented ability to segregate Meter graphs.
1. Improved performance for switching annotations to variables or samples (and viceversa) in the data explorer.
2. Fix bug creating DOE with Maps programatically.
3. Fixed bug setting citation in ridge line plots.
4. Fixed bug setting axis title in ridge line plots.
5. Fixed bug in DOE graphs with stacked clustered graphs.
6. Disallowed clustering with grouped data.
7. Fixed bug setting markers in maps.
8. Disallowed correlation in heatmaps.
9. Fixed bug binning data with null values.
10. Fixed bug indrawing overlays in line combination graphs.
11. Fixed bug in mislabelled menu icons.
12. Fixed bug trying to draw a spline with a single data point.
13. Fixed bug in correlation plots table switching.
14. Fixed bug reproducing graphs with DOE.
15. Fixed bug in line graphs with DOE.
16. Fixed bug setting normal distribution for QQ plots.
17. Added ability to create R code for Genome graphs.
18. Added parameter to create DOE programatically (asDOE).
19. Added ablity to include either sample or variable histograms in the DOE.
1. Fixed bug in creating DOE graph from Map visualizations.
2. Fixed bug with remote maps.
3. Fixed bug setting navigation controls fro remote graphs.
4. Fixed bug in DOE charts with graphs containing markers.
5. Fixed bug in toolbar clicks with new SVG icons.
6. Fixed bug in DOE charts sorted by variable or swimmer bar graphs.
7. Refactored markers for one dimensional plots to fix many bugs.
8. Fixed bug setting min and max values for histograms.
9. Fixed bug when reproducing maximized graphs.
10. Fixed bug plotting horizontal graphs containing overlays.
11. Fixed bug in mislabelled menu icons.
12. Disallowed clustering in stacked graphs and circular graphs with ideograms.
13. Fixed bug in double-click of stacked graphs.
14. Fixed bug in calculating loess with unsuitable data sets.
15. Fixed bug in double-click of Sankey diagrams.
16. Disallowed DOE exploration in oncoprints.
17. Fixed bug in DOE charts with line graphs.
18. Fixed bug in customized ridge line plots.
1. Fixed bug in updating selection in menu UI.
2. Added ability to map non CanvasXpress geoJSON.
1. Fixed bug on reproducing 2D scatter Contour plots.
2. Fixed bug on double-click in Fish plots.
3. Fixed bug on reproducing Fish plots.
4. Fixed bug on mouse-overs after transposing data.
5. Fixed bug in transforming Density plots into Ridge plots.
6. Fixed bug in filtering treemaps in DOE plots.
7. Fixed bug in scaling data point size in one and two dimensional plots.
8. Fixed bug in filtering data in non linear plots.
9. Fixed bug in marker decorations in layout graphs.
10. Fixed bug creating DOE with Ridgeline and Density plots.
11. Fixed bug in setting layout topology with missing combinations.
12. Fixed bug when creating visium plots and converting variables to either numeric or string.
1. Implemented ability to plot multiple data series in Genome plots.
2. Implemented ability to specify border color in all graphs.
3. Fixed bug when creating visium plots and converting variables to either numeric or string.
1. Fixed misspelled word in examples.
2. Fixed bug in reproducing contours.
3. Fixed bug in example event.
4. Fixed bug in trying to calculate loess with fewer than 5 data points.
5. Implemented mechanism to identify marker sample names in grouped data.
1. Fixed bug not including canvasXpress.css (Web site related)
2. Fixed bug in accessing side examples in web page (Web site related).
1. Fixed bug in context menus in Scatter 3D plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting image path for Metabase network graphs.
1. Change default to false set up axis titles dynamically.
2. Fixed bug in legend filtering layout density plots.
1. Remove Metabase images from library to reduce size (~500Kb).
1. Added background to color scheme menus.
2. Fixed bug in setting the striped data table.
3. Fixed bug in drawing dendrograms in one dimensional vertical graphs.
4. Added ability to customize data table (dataTableFontSize, dataTableFontFamily).
5. Implemented filter selectionMode for broadcasting similar to that one in DOE graphs.
6. Fixed bug in reseting graph in maximized state.
7. Allowed to show boxplot summary for datasets with single data points.
8. Disallowed histograms and clustering of Gantt and Contour graphs.
9. Disallowed all data operations with datasets used in Kaplan-Meier plots.
10. Disallowed layout of lollipop plots.
11. Fixed bug in calculating width and height dimensions for axes in layout plots.
1. Added ticks for samples in onedimensional graphs.
2. Adjust sample labels alingment in one dimensional horizontal graphs.
3. Refactored social web site.
4. Fixed bug seting titles in Scatter plots.
5. Disallowed exp transformation when showing Loess.
6. Fixed bug when creating histogram with lollipop graphs.
7. Added ability to add markers to maps on dblclick event.
8. Fixed bug creating histograms of layout scatter plots with correlations.
9. Disallowed histograms on Kaplan-Meier plots.
10. Fixed bug in legend hidding with multiples series.
11. Fixed bug sorting layout violin plots.
12. Fixed bug displaying labels of filtered treemaps in DOE graphs.
13. Fixed bug in filtering motion Scatter plots.
1. Added custom user wheel event handler.
2. Added custom user drag event handler.
3. Refactor Genome graphs.
4. Adjust blur in rendering to produce crisp graphs.
5. Fixed bug in scoped lines in layout plots.
6. Fixed bug after hard reset in QQ and CDF plots.
7. Fixed bug in transpose correlated data after hard reset.
8. Added ability to hide the color indicator in correlation graphs.
9. Fixed bug saving and printing maps with no custom data.
10. Fixed bug when filtering dashboards.
11. Fixed bug in hard reset of lollipop graphs.
12. Fixed bug in double-click of dashboards.
13. Fixed bug setting markers in Dotplot with groupped data.
1. Fixed bug in showing data in the datatable.
2. Added ability to add custom text to Scatter 2D plots.
3. Included Genome build GRCh38 to ideograms.
4. Disallowed clustering in sunburst, radar amd chord graphs.
5. Disallowed ridge by variables.
6. Fixed bug in ungrouped Gantt charts.
7. Fixed bug in reseting graphs after correlations.
8. Remove ability to filter fish plots.
1. Fixed bug duplicating manhattan data after loading a previously made manhattan plot.
2. Fixed bug filtering percentage area plots.
3. Fixed bug in resetting min and max setting values after hitting ESC.
4. Fixed bug in filtering dashboard native data.
5. Fixed bug in reordering plots in dashboards.
6. Fixed bug in clicking on datafilter empty space.
7. Disallow to filter data when histograms are shown. (Need to implement).
8. Fixed bug in layout in SPLOM graphs.
1. Implemented disableWheel to prevent zooming with the mouse wheel.
2. Fixed bug with zooming out in Genome plots.
3. Fixed bug reseting Genome plots.
4. Implemented comparison markers for one dimensional graphs.
5. Fixed bug reseting Networks.
6. Fixed bug setting axes for QQ and CDF plots.
7. Disallow filtering of area graph to present a single variable.
8. Fixed bug in layout plots with custom layout configurations.
9. Fixed bug in tooltips when mouse over histograms.
10. Fixed bug when reseting graphs in table view.
11. Fixed bug setting colors when ellipse by of numeric factors.
12. Disallow ellipse by or ridge by with numeric factors.
13. Fixed bug reseting CDF and QQ plots.
14. Remove automated setting of scatter outline threshold to manhattan plots.
15. Fixed bug filtering CIrcular plots.
16. Fixed bug in tooltip in scatter plots.
17. Improve ability to turn on/off ridgeBy.
18. Fixed bug when zooming layout Manhattan plots.
19. Added ability to customize axes in Manhattan plots.
20. Fixed bug in color indicator with custom breaks.
21. Added ability to change distribution in QQ-plots through menus.
22. Added filtering capbility for chromosome and p-values in manhattan plots using filter widgets UI.
1. Fixed bug in stacked histograms scales.
2. Added ability to create QQ plot using using parameter sccatterType set to 'qq'.
3. Added ability to create CDF plot using parameter sccatterType set to 'cdf'.
4. Refactored Heatmaps.
5. Fixed bug in setting indicator color legend.
6. Fixed bug when filtering area graphs.
7. Disallowed transposing of lollipop graphs.
8. Fixed bug filtering correlation plots.
9. Fixed bugs in ridegeline plots.
10. Fixed bug in setting QQ and CDF plots in scatter plots with additional decorations.
11. Fixed bug reseting Network graphs.
12. Fixed bug when mouse over context menus in scatter plots.
13. Fixed bug in switching between graph and table views in scatter bubble 2d plots.
1. Fixed bug in sorting data with layout plots.
2. Fixed bug in QQ and CDF plots with missing data.
3. Fixed bug drawing color indicators with custom breaks.
4. Remove ability to transform data in Gantt charts.
5. Fixed bug in Stacked combination charts with treemaps.
6. Fixed bug in ridge line plots.
1. Added ability to create ridgeline plots after rendering.
2. Fixed bug calculating width for the histogram bin.
3. Fixed bug in setting axis title in ridgeline plots.
4. Fixed bug sizing data points.
5. Fixed bug reseting graphs with precalculated data.
6. Fixed bug in rendering violin plots.
7. Fixed bug in setting topology in layout plots.
8. Fixed bug in AreaLine legends.
9. Fixed bug in attempting to calculate loess with insufficient data.
10. Fixed bug in setting the color indicator when custom breaks are provided.
11. Fixed bug in dragging grouped data in layout plots.
12. Fixed bug in drawing selected legends in reproducible reasearch.
13. Fixed bug in QQ and CDF Plots with missing data.
1. Fixed bug in displaying ranges for continuous legends.
2. Fixed bug in master-reseting Network graphs.
3. Fixed dotplot example in web page.
4. Fixed bug in setting axes title in QQ and CDF plots.
5. Fixed typo in dotplot example in web page.
6. Fixed bug in grouped time graphs.
7. Fixed bug when mouse-over with orthographic maps.
8. Fixed bug in mouse-over even in dotplot example.
9. Fixed bug in grouping time graphs.
10. Fixed bug in segregating histograms.
11. Fixed bug in setting dot size in manhattan plots.
12. Implemented automated method to contrast chromosomes in manhattan plots.
13. Fixed bug in setting axes in manhattan plots.
14. Fixed bug in filtering continuous data with legends.
15. Fixed bug reseting pivoted data.
1. Fixed bug in setting current position in motion graphs.
2. Refactor visium plots to match ggplot capabilities.
3. Added filterMode parameter to customize display of filtered data (remove, hide or color).
4. Fixed bug in legend filtering of range data with size and shape legends.
5. Fixed bug after removing reproducible research timeline.
6. Added check point before creating Kaplan Meier plots.
7. Disable table view and filtering for Genome plots.
8. Fixed bug with negative aspect ratios.
9. Fixed bug in mouse clicks on map decotrations.
10. Fixed bug on hard reset of time graphs.
11. Fixed bug in legend filtering with stackBy parameter.
12. Fixed bug in layout plots with stackBy parameter.
1. Fixed bug in setting yAxis range in visium plots (I think this is it!!!).
2. Fixed bug in cropping visium plots (know issue: images are not centered after cropping).
3. Fixed paths to images and fonts in web pages examples.
4. Fixed bug in stacked layout plots.
1. Removed redundancy in loading google fonts.
2. Removed redundancy setting color brew while rendering graph.
3. Fixed bug in saving visium plots.
4. Fixed bug with reproducing user manipulations in vision plots.
5. Implemented visiumHideWhenFilter and visiumPanning parameters to further customize visium plots.
6. Fixed bug in non-trimmed violin plots when trying empty data.
7. Implemented label postion for lines in Scatter plots.
8. Fixed bug in setting space for line decorations in Scatter plots.
9. Implemented visumFlip for image and data for visium plots.
10. Added examples for Lollipop plots.
11. Added examples for Waterfall plots.
12. Added link to CanvasXpress Python library developed by Todd C. Brett (AWESOME!!!!)
1. Fixed bug in infinite loop triggered by the resize event in htmlwidgets from R.
2. Added additional dotplot example.
3. Added parameter to draw the bar path in bar graphs.
1. Added space for exposed menus when maximizing the plot.
2. Fixed bug when maximizing data table.
3. Added movement type for dotplots.
4. Fixed bug in setting aspect ratio for visium plots (this time for real).
5. Improved performance in drawing markers.
6. Fixed bug in setting possition for marker using the configurator widget.
7. Fixed bug in data transformation in Scattter plots with x, y histograms.
8. Fixed bug setting legends for DotLine plots.
9. Fixed bug when hovering over scrollers in web page showing CanvasXpress plots.
10. Fixed bug in density plots after segregating by samples.
11. Fixed bug in drawing Loess with data sets with fewer than three data values.
12. Fixed bug when trying to display Genome data in data table.
13. Fixed bug when drawing correlation and loes data with axis-transformed data.
14. Fixed bug trying to pivot data.
15. Fixed bug in sorting data in venn and manhattan plots.
16. Implemented using images for sample labels with parameter smpLabelImage.
17. Fixed bug in cloneObject function (might have broken visium plots).
18. Fixed bug in time graphs (added examples).
1. Fix bug in validating default values.
2. Fixed bug sorting data.
3. Added ability to style the data table.
1. Fixed bug in setting data filters in web page after rendering.
2. Fixed bug in Manhattan plots.
3. Improved function to space chromosome labels in Manhattan plots.
1. Fixed bug in setting DOM parameters after loading a new CanvasXpress Object.
2. Sort usage logs and datasets in web site.
3. Added ability to add data filters in any web page after rendering (examples to come).
1. Added thumbnails of social pages.
2. Added imageTimeOut and imageMaxTries parameters to be able to delay ploting until images are loaded in the DOM.
1. Fixed bug in segregating multidensional heatmap plots.
2. Fixed bug in segregating patterned line graphs.
3. Fixed bug in zooming scatter plots with side histograms.
4. Fixed bug in legends for line and line-combination graphs.
5. Removed ability to filter DOE graphs with data filter widget.
6. Fixed bug in setting topologies of DOE plots.
7. Removed ability to transform data in Manhattan plots.
8. Fixed bugs in social pages.
1. Added ability to read data from DOM elements (usefull to improve performance in visium plots).
1. Fixed bug in adjusting the y axis in visium plots.
2. Fixed bugs in social pages.
1. Rendering improvements for very large scatter plots datasets.
2. Fixed bug in adjusting the y axis in visium plots.
3. Added methods to compress and decompress code (not used yet).
1. Implemented Manhattan plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting aspect ratio for visium plots.
1. Implemented exploring metadata for histograms.
2. Implemented Black and White theme.
3. Added additional themes.
4. Fixed icons to get code in web pages.
5. Fixed bug in getting JSON code.
6. Fixed bug setting the aspect ratio in visium plots.
7. Improved method to load google fonts.
8. Refactor social pages (more changes to come).
1. Fixed bug in exploring map metadata.
2. Fixed bug in selecting map elements that contain pie charts.
3. Fixed bug in setting histogram bin size.
4. Changed url for map example with orthographic projection.
5. Fixed bug in setting default size for data point in visium plots.
1. Fixed bug in binning data points when length is only 1.
2. Fixed bug in desegregating plots.
3. Fixed bug in trying to calculate loess with small number of variables.
4. Improved orthographic projection of maps.
5. Fixed bug in setting histogram bin size.
1. Fix bug in setting colors in Maps.
2. Added parameter to adjust histogram bin width (histogramBinWidth).
3. Fixed bug catching incompatible segregation plots.
4. Fixed bug in corelations after data transformation.
5. Fixed bug in clustering samples.
6. Implemented orthographic projections in maps (beta).
1. Fixed bug in tooltips over circular shapes.
2. Fixed bug in pages containing multiple visium plots.
1. Improved maps and added extra examples.
2. Fix bug in caching the background image in visium plots.
1. Implemented Albers projection in maps.
2. Improved map examples.
3. Fixed bug in grouping and ungrouping plots.
4. Fixed bug in setting hierarchies after filtering.
1. Fix bug in layout for fish plots.
2. Improved fish plots.
3. Fixed bugs sorting segregated plots.
4. Fixed bug in setting the background image in visuam plots.
5. Fixed bug in setting background in violin plots.
6. Changed alert message when trying to log transform data les or equal to zero.
7. Fixed bug in attemping to configure Venn diagrams.
8. Fixed bug in configuring data by shape in Scatter plots.
9. Fixed bug in grouping and ungrouping segregated plots.
10. Fixed bugs in reproducible research in segregated plots.
11. Refactored code with grouping samples.
1. Added ability to extend metadata to maps by drag and drop additional files.
2. Added first version of fish plots (Very raw. Many changes to come).
3. Fixed bug in segregated combination lines plots.
4. Fixed bug in reproducbibility of segregated plots.
5. Fixed bug in sorting samples in segregated and grouped plots.
6. Removed ability to transpose Gantt charts.
7. Fixed bug in segregated plots with multiple factors.
1. Fixed bug in interactions of filtering and sorting when displaying grouped data.
2. Fixed bug in reproducing segregated plots.
3. Removed ability to segregate samples and variable with treemap data.
4. Removed ability to to show / remove communities with fixed layout network graphs.
5. Removed bug with interactions segregated plots with data correlation.
6. Removed ability to segregate by samples and variables in Scatter 2D plots.
7. Fixed bug in calculating loess with transformed data.
1. Remove support for Leaflet.
2. Added support to drag and drop topojson or geojson files wiht the extension .json or .geojson.
3. Fixed bug when hovering over layout legends.
4. Fixed bug when selecting all data point in a boxplot.
5. Fixed bug when segregating line combination plots.
6. Fixed bug in changing table view with meter graphs.
7. Fixed bug when redrawing some networks charts.
8. Fixed bug when removing histograms from ridgeline plots.
9. Remove useless ability to segregate by sample in ridgeline plots.
10. Added ability to load background image as array of rgb values.
11. Added ability to modify the data point size in scatter plots with the parameter dataPointSizeScaleFactor.
12. Added ability to hide or show specific features in the topojson in Maps.
13. Added ability to customize features in the topojson in Maps (more to come with examples).
1. Added ability to modify graph size in DOE plots.
2. Fixed bugs in segregation and histogram modifications.
3. Fixed bug in searching in datatable.
4. Fixed bug in creating correlation from boxplot and violin graphs.
5. Removed ability to create ellipsis by variable.
6. Fixed bug in setting patterns in segregated and group graphs.
7. Fixed bug in customizing axes in Density plots.
8. Fixed bug when removing correlations in Dotplots.
9. Fixed bug in grouping Gantt charts.
1. Added Meter graphs.
2. Added count summary type.
3. Modify destroy method to delete CanvasXpress global selector.
4. Modify deleting selectDataPoints property after first rendering.
5. Added method to stack levels of grouping factors in Bar graphs.
6. Added automated sorting method when grouping data. (Re-implemented).
7. Added summary widget to data explorer to facilitate dashboard creation.
1. Improve performance in filtering data through the UIs.
2. Fixed bug in hide mask in Maps.
3. Fixed bug in filtering data points in 3D-Scatter plots.
4. Fixed bug in reproducing segregated graphs.
5. Fixed bug in clicks in Correlation plots.
6. Fixed bug in saving graph through the menus.
7. Fixed bug customizing font color for Samples and Variables.
8. Fixed bug in mouseovers in lollipop graphs.
9. Changed default minimum number of rows/colums in datatable.
10. Fixed bug in legend filtering in Maps.
11. Added automated method to fit legends when their height exceeds the height of the plot.
1. Fixed bug in social pages. No changes in JS library.
1. Fixed bug in setting legends for layout line combination plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting min and max for layout line combination plots.
3. Fixed bug in correlation plots.
4. Fixed bug in filtering data points in 2D-Scatter plots.
5. Fixed bug when selecting pie charts.
6. Fixed bug when trying to exp transform data > 1000.
7. Fixed bug in setting legend background color in maps and corelation plots.
8. Fixed bug in assigning colors to parts of maps.
9. Fixed bug in coloring loess-contour plots.
10. Fixed bug zooming loess-contour plots.
1. Improved performance
1. Fixed bug in dataexplorer css sizing the widget.
2. Fixed bug in sizing data points in dotplots and boxplots.
3. Added metaData property to customize delimited text files.
4. Fixed bug in reseting Line combination plots.
5. Added global chain property to keep track of updated graphs.
1. Fixed bug in generating R code.
2. Fixed bug in filtering segregated histograms.
3. Fixed bug when transforming data in rigdeline and density and boxplots.
4. Fixed bug with precalculated boxplots.
5. Fixed bug in broadcasting to DOE plots.
6. Fixed bug in segregating variables in combination line plots.
7. Fixed bug in custom mouse events.
1. More performance improvements with toolbar, tooltip and code widgets.
2. Improved performance in rendering Scatter plots; added parameter 'densityPixels'.
3. Fixed bug in transitions.
1. Refactored rendering function to improve performance.
2. Refactored reproducible research functions to improve performance.
1. Refactor/Sort initialization routines to improve performance.
2. Fixed bug in broadcasting selected objects in graphs.
1. Fixed bug in Dbl-Click event in dendrograms.
2. Fixed bug in grouped combination line graphs.
1. Fixed bug in remote loading of grpuped data.
2. Fixed fug in selecting data point with lasso in Scatter 2D plots.
3. Fixed bug in reseting selections in Scatter plots and Networks.
1. Fixed bug in creating examples from configurator.
2. Fixed bug in API web pages to create examples.
3. Changed back the default width of CanvasXpress in R.
1. Fixed bug in custom mouseover and mousemove events.
1. Implemented scatter type visium for spatial transcriptomics.
2. Implemented markers for Maps.
3. Implemented drop shapes.
4. Fixed bug in canvas click events (to address issue with shiny).
5. Fixed bug in handling user select event.
6. Added user motion events.
7. Fixed bug in destroy method to cope with HTMLWidgets.
8. Implemented markerBy for maps (really cool).
9. Implemented selection for maps.
10. Implemented selection method for motion graphs.
11. Refactored custom and native events.
1. Implemented selection model for histograms, treemaps and pie charts present in the same web page.
2. Fixed bug with mouse clicks in Correlation plots.
3. Fixed bug in legend filtering of combination line plots.
4. Fixed bugs in setting and changing themes programatically and through the configurator.
5. Fixed bug in the destroy method.
6. Fixed bug in HTMLWidgets Javascript binding for CanvasXpress in the R-Package.
1. Implemented circle and hexagon heatmaps.
2. Fixed bugs in reseting metadata after updating theme colors.
3. Minor changes for CanvasXpress color theme.
4. Make transparent the color indicator background.
1. Fixed bug in sorting data after zooming when sortData is passed as parameter.
2. Implemented conversion of graphs in DOE (very usefull for dashboards).
3. Implemented data sorting and transformation in DOE (very useful for dashboards).
1. Improved radial trees layout (new example)
2. Added ability to open hierarchy json files (name and children parameters) added example file.
3. Added ability to open links json files (nodes and links parameters) added example file.
4. Fixed bug in setting text format for axis ticks in one dimensional graphs.
5. Added method to sort data pertmanently.
6. Fixed bug in histograms create with one dimensional plots.
7. Improved broadcast methodology (very usefull for creating dashboards).
1. Improved circular network layout.
2. Added ability to pass data and/or config as a function (usefull for synthetic data sets).
3. Added dataFunction to reformat (remote) data set in URLs.
4. Fixed bug in assigning gradient colors.
5. Fixed more bug on click events in pages with multiple CanvasXpress objects.
6. Fixed bug in DOE plots with multiple histograms.
1. Fixed bug positioning histogram bars with ranged data in ridge line plots.
2. Fixed bug in positioning density graphs in layout ridge line plots.
3. Added php example to web page overview.
4. Fixed bug that broke genome browser plots.
1. Added python example to web page overview (courtesy of Todd C. Brett)
2. Fixed issue with colored cells and font size in correlation plots.
3. Improved creation of gradients.
4. First version of ridge line plots.
5. Fixed bug on click events in pages with multiple CanvasXpress objects.
6. Added parameter to add jittered data point in ridge line density plots.
7. Improved jittering for rugs in Scatter plots.
8. Implemented highlighting of Canvas Gradients.
1. Fixed bug in density plots
1. Fixed bugs with coloring in faceted plots (one/two dimensional plots).
2. Fixed bugs with one dimensional graph markers.
1. Fixed bug in dotplots faceted by variables.
2. Improved appearance of faceted dotplots.
3. Fixed bugs in legends of faceted density plots.
4. Improved scoping for annotation marks in faceted plots.
5. Fixed bug in recoloring density plots.
6. Fixed bug in combination line plots that are grouped and colored by different factors.
1. Fixed bug setting scoped markers in layout graphs.
2. Fixed bug in segregate function passed in afterrender object.
1. Fixed bug in sorting sample overlays in Circular plots.
2. Fixed bug with legends in layout density plots.
3. Fixed bugs with legends in combination-line graphs.
4. Fixed bug in seting markers with scope in layout graphs.
5. Fixed bug in scaling text for graph citations.
6. Fixed bug in setting min and max values for axes in one dimensional graphs.
1. Fixed bug in setting networks metadata.
2. Fixed bug in legend selection in density plots.
3. Fixed in adding multiple decoration legends in Scatter plots.
4. Fixed bug in barlline facet plots.
5. Fixed bug in legend events in Network plots.
6. Fixed bug in hard reset.
1. Refactor contour plots.
2. Added parameter to modify start, end, step of the contour levels (contourLevelStart, contourLevelEnd, contourLevelStep).
3. Added parameter to show contour levels (showContourLevel).
4. Extended missing data color to Network graphs.
5. Fixed bug in grouping heatmaps with variable overlays.
6. Fixed bug when filtering data with continuous factors.
7. Fixed bug in layout plots with grouped data.
8. Fixed bug caching base64 images in remote network graphs.
9. Fixed bug in dragging samples in layout plots.
1. Fixed bug in layout plots with grouped data.
2. Fixed bug in building script to generate R code.
3. Fixed bug in layout plot with regression series.
4. Fixed bug in setting tooltips in motion maps.
5. Fixed bug in mouse over legends in network graphs.
6. Fixed bug in DOE plots when reseting graphs (with Scatter 2D plots).
7. Fixed bugs in axes layout plots with horizontal graphs.
8. Fixed bugs in tooltips and coloring in maps.
9. Fixed bug in canceling data transformations.
10. Fixed bug in showing data in Scatter 2D Bubble plots.
11. Fixed bug caching base64 images in remote network graphs.
1. Added parameter cacheBase64 to cache the image in the meta data object as Base64 (special for R).
2. Changed default to zero ranged data to -0.005 to 0.005.
3. Fixed bug in calculating band width estimate for data sets having zero standard deviation. (Set to 0.1).
4. Fixed bug in SPLOM transitions.
1. Fixed bug in setting default user colors.
2. Fixed bug in setting zero value in colored Network plots.
3. Added ability to control the aspect ratio of scatter plots similar to coord_fixed in ggplot.
4. Re-implemented login in Web site.
5. Re-implemented social web pages.
1. Changed function to get google fonts.
2. Added more examples to the NodeJS modules.
3. Added ability to save the base64 image in the metadata object (special for R).
4. Fixed bug in setting the orientation of heatmap indicators placed at left or right.
1. Fixed bug in layout histograms.
2. Fixed bug in layout plots with custom facet configurations.
3. Fixed bug in restoring correlations after segregation.
4. Fixed bug in showing markers in layout plots.
5. Fixed bug in auditing.
6. Added color node by to the tooltip in Network graphs.
7. Added size by capability to maps.
8. Fixed bug in NodeJS - CLI code.
1. Parameter asHistogram is deprecated and replaced by histogramData.
2. Fixed bug in css preventing horizontal scroller to show.
3. Fixed bug in setting histogram / density plots.
1. Fixed bug with remote data containing initialization functions in config.
2. Fixed bug storing and reading data files with remote data.
3. Fixed bug in maps changing colors when zooming in/out.
4. Added to menus ability to create histograms with factors.
5. Remove ability to log-transform data with negative values.
6. Fixed bug in histograms segregate by a factor.
7. Fixed bug in double clicking in tree graphs and circular dendrograms.
8. Forced to used 'count' stat in histograms when displaying DOE.
9. Fixed bug in positioning menus in Network graphs requesting data from urls.
10. Fixed bug when transforming data in Matrix Scatter plots.
1. Fixed bug in UI for sorting variables and samples.
2. Created better examples for area graphs.
1. Fix bug in setting color in regression lines without factor annotation.
2. Small modifications in example web pages.
3. Fixed bug in mouse over events in layout one dimensional plots.
4. Fixed bug in UI for sorting variables and samples.
1. Convert example pages to ajax calls.
1. Add function to replot graph with or without animation.
2. Removed key shorcuts to change graph type.
3. Fixed bug in calculating data point size in Scatter plots after reseting gaph.
4. Fixed bug in setting margins in layout one dimensional plots.
5. Fixed bug in setting binned data in dotplots and boxplots.
6. Implemented Density and Histogram layout graphs.
7. Refactor density and histograms plots.
8. Fixed bug in setting colors for the filling in density plots.
9. Fixed procedure to calculate side histograms/densities in Scatter2D plot.
10. Fixed Legend filtering in SPLOM plots.
1. Added motion capabilities to maps.
2. Added ability to chage style for the tiles in maps with a Leaflet layer.
3. Prevent data transformations in area graphs.
4. Fixed bug in legend filtering in SPLOM plots.
5. Fixed bug in sizing by samples in Scatter3D plots.
6. Fixed bug in exploring metadata in various plots.
7. Fixed bug in setting margins in layout plots.
8. Fixed bug in setting legend and axis position in scatter plots.
9. Fixed bug in exp data transformation with density variations.
10. Increassed difference in size of objects when data is sized by a factor.
11. Fixed bug in removing histograms in x-line plots.
12. Added new dataset called covid19.
1. Added ability to play reproducibility at initial render of the graph.
2. Added ability to scope lines in layout plots and add tooltip to custom lines.
3. Fixed bug in filtering numeric legends with ranged values.
4. Fixed bug in transforming groupped data in layout plots.
5. Fixed bug in reseting sorted data in layout plots.
6. Fixed bugs in maps.
1. Fixed bug in dragging data points.
2. Fixed bugs in misaligned layout plots.
3. Improve setting of layout plots by checking and modifying non valid parameters.
4. Fixed bug in setting categorical shapes for numeric factor types.
5. Fixed bug in setting correct dimensions for series legends.
1. Fixed bug in recalculating data point size when resizing Scatter2D and Dotplots.
2. Fixed bug in selecting data points in Scatter2D and Scatter3D plots.
3. Fixed resizing issue in web pages using bootstrap.
1. Modified image resource to utilize https rather than http.
2. Added upload.png image in web site.
3. Fixed bug in selecting data points when multiple series are used in Scatter plots.
1. Fixed bug in hetmaps not honoring colorKeys.
2. Fixed bug in web site that disables the file browser button to load files.
3. Fixed bug filtering legend in boxplots and violin plots.
1. Fixed bug in removing the graph mask in the initialization of the reproducible object.
2. Fixed URL for beacon.gif image to match the new web site.
3. Removed spurious debuging messages in console.
4. Fixed other bug when parsing Metabase XML files.
1. Disabled GEO client.
2. Set default for CanvasXpress.getObject to return the first instance when id is not passed.
3. Fixed bug in legend filtering whit layout boxplots that do not show original data points.
4. Fixed bug in histograms with zero values.
5. Fixed bug of changing layout topology.
6. Fixed bug in shiny apps with slider.
7. Fixed bugs in parsing Metabase XML files.
8. Added method to initialize canvas as displayed in the viewport (lazyLoad).
1. Fixed bug in networks which inverted graph when zooming out.
2. Fixed bug in Sunburst placing labels when filtering with legends.
3. Fixed bug in selecting non-rendered data points in Scatter2D plots (complete).
4. Fixed bug when parsing Metabase XML files.
1. Fixed bug in selecting non-rendered data points in Scatter2D plots.
2. Fixed useless clicks in Correlation graphs.
3. Fixed bug in legend filtering in density plots.
4. Fixed bug in masking chord graphs when mouse over legends.
1. Fix multiple bugs.
1. Implemented qq function.
2. Implemented runif function.
3. Implemented QQ-Plot.
4. Auto adjust the height for the axis histograms in scatter plots.
5. Implemented rugs in Scatter plots (including density and histograms).
6. Implemented empirical CDF plots.
1. Implemented editing graph in JSFiddle.
2. Improved Scatter Matrix Plots (examples to come).
3. Fixed bug in Network graphs in R.
4. Changed examples pages (more changes to come).
5. Improved performance for web pages with multiple CanvasXpress instances.
6. Fixed bug in setting color scheme after modifying functions.
7. Improved clipping function for decorations in Scatter 2D layout plots.
8. Implemented editing of graph in JS Fiddle.
1. Fixed bug in Gantt Charts in R.
2. Start adding support for CodeMirror.
3. Changed style all widgets.
4. Changed style when displaying code.
1. Added line numbers when displaying code.
2. Fixed bug in heatmap histogram indicator.
3. Fixed bug in setting color schemes and color spectrums in overlays in one dimensional plots.
4. Fixed bugs in Reproducible Research web page.
5. Fixed bug in validating JSON in networks when run in R.
6. Added implementation for NodeJS, ReactJS and AngularJS.
1. Start changes for react.
2. Included all external libraries into the main CanvasXpress code.
3. Fixed bug in setting colors and displaying correlations in R.
1. Fixed bug with decorations.
1. Fixed bug in displaying oncoprints in R.
2. Added function to validate oncoprint extra data objects.
3. Added function to validate parameter types on initialization.
4. Fixed bug when producing color format for JSON and R code.
5. Fixed bug in remote graph which were broken in the previous version.
6. Added correlation value (R) to matrix scatter 2D plots.
1. Remove empty meta data on loading additional files.
2. Add parameter to hide names in overlays (see [var|smp]OverlayProperties).
3. Added major improvement for oncoprint visualizations (more to come).
4. Added parameter to cycle between Oncoprint and Heatmap visualizations.
5. Added parameter to hide samples with no alterations in oncoprints.
6. Added legend filtering to oncoprints.
7. Added parameters to summarize alterations in oncoprints.
8. Remove vendor for the meta data object and set it as parameter in Networks.
9. Fixed bug in maps when handling properties with null values.
10. Added ability to center labels in ungrouped data sets.
1. Added ability to append meta data to current data set and replace to initial cache.
2. Added ability to append additional data sets in the data.y. object.
3. Added parameter to automatically set the legend position (legendPositionAuto).
4. Fixed bug in segregated plots that are pivoted.
1. Added parameter to hide outline in dotplots and boxplots (dotplotOutlineThreshold)
2. Fixed bug in drawing labels of groups data when it is not rotated to 90 degrees.
1. Removed class CanvasXpress-ParentNode when working in shiny.
2. Improved support for map without using Leaflet.
3. Fixed bug in tracking events for reproducible research in maps.
4. Fixed bug in configurator to adjust properties for node and edges in Networks.
5. Improved zooming of networks.
6. Added more map examples.
1. Added support for automated label grouping in one dimensional graphs.
2. Fixed bug in transition method (which was broken in previous version).
1. Fixed issues in web site home page.
2. Fixed bug in clipped areas preventing decorations to show.
3. Prevent some graphs to be segregated.
4. Fixed bugs in Gantt charts to properly display completion.
5. Fixed bugs in legend filtering with Layout plots.
6. Make violin graphs background transparent if individual data points are shown.
7. Add parameter to color background of violins when data point are shown (violinColor).
8. Add parameter to color background of boxplots when data point are shown (boxplotColor).
9. Add parameter to add transparency to background color of boxplots when data point are shown (boxplotTransparency).
10. Fixed bug in drawing frame for histograms with scatter plots.
1. Fixed bug in selecting axis values with very small ranges.
2. Refreshed the CanvasXpress Web site.
1. Improved slider for remote data (really cool).
2. Fixed bug in checking binary factor when null data is present.
3. Fixed bug in overwriting example R files for Gantt charts.
1. Fixed bug in segregation plots when testing for boolean factors.
2. Fixed bug showing tooltips in one dimensional layout plots.
3. Improved visualizations in remote plots.
1. Improved graph transitions.
2. Fixed bug in Gantt charts produced in R.
3. Added parameter to draw rounded rectangles in bar, stacked and boxplot graphs. (useRoundRectangles).
4. Added parameter to add transparency to all elements in plots.
5. Improved position for legends in scatter layout plots.
6. Fixed bug in lollipop plots in positioning the end dots.
1. Implemented Gantt charts.
2. Added parameter to use regular shapes when shapeBy is continuous data (shapeByContinuous).
3. Fixed small bugs in R code creation.
4. Improved handling of topology layout graphs.
5. Fixed issues in CanvasXpress web site pages.
6. Removed Candlestick plots :-(
7. Removed support for Video :-(
8. Added to version tooltip the version used to create the original plot.
1. Improve Network layouts.
2. Added circular layout for network plots.
3. Implemented network metrics.
4. Fixed double approximation issues in tick labels in centered heatmaps.
1. Fixed bug in connectBy graphs when factor is in variable annotation.
2. Added ability to load tsv file as an edge file to create networks.
3. Added summary metrics for Network graph.
1. Simplify method to update metadata.
2. Fixed bug in legend filtering in layout plots.
3. Fixed bug in reseting connectBy legends in layout plots.
1. Fixed bug in tooltips with Dendrograms in Circular plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting color in nodes in Network plots in R.
3. Added parameters to customize connect lines in connectBy plots (connectKey).
4. Added parameter to prevent coloring lines in connectBy plots (connectByNoColor).
5. Added parameter to hide the connectBy legend (connectByShowLegend).
6. Fixed bug in coloring Network plots.
7. Fixed bug in Networks that contain elbow edges.
1. Fixed bug in calculating scale factors in Networks.
2. Fixed bug in filtering data table with Network data.
3. Fixed bug in legend filtering.
4. Fixed bug in setting colors in circular graphs.
5. Disabled transitions on legend filtering.
1. Added debugging examples in remote data sets visualizations.
2. Fixed bug in setting color keys drawing legends.
3. Added parameter to change the transparency of violins.
4. Added parameter to change border color of violins.
5. Added parameter to change border color of boxplots.
6. Fixed bug in filtering samples when data is grouped using the filters or the legends.
7. Improved coloring of networks.
8. Added ability to position legends in Networks.
9. Fixed bug in tooltips in segregated plots.
10. Improved filtering capabilities in data filter and legends.
1. Implemented loading string data.
2. Fixed bug in reproducing data that skipped initial rendering.
3. Added parameter to print every state when reproducing data.
4. Added ability to overwrite parameters in the url (?parameter=value).
1. Removed segregate data from menu in Scatter 3D plots.
2. Removed nodejs hooks.
1. Fixed bug introduced in version 23.8 for reloading summarized data.
1. Fixed bug in dragging objects under reproducible research.
2. Fixed bug in drag'n drop in data explorer when multiple canvas are in one page.
3. Added parameters to disable effects in CanvasXpress.
4. Added mouse position when dragging event is ongoing.
5. Added checking when trying to convert string factors to string.
6. Added checking when trying to convert numeric factors to numeric.
1. Fixed bug in reloading of summarized data plots.
2. Add redundancy for format to segregate data with duplicate labels.
1. Fixed bug introduced in previous version in DOE plots (Oooops).
2. Fixed bug for setting range in summary data sets with error bars.
3. Improved layout for color indicator.
1. Fixed bug in mean summarized data.
2. Fixed bug in segregated layout plots with samples with identical labels.
3. Fixed bug having 'all' null annotations.
1. Removed Genie effect which was broken by new version of Chrome.
2. Implemented magic events to replace Genie.
1. Added property mask for Tag Clouds (not implemented yet).
2. Implemented layout type to put labels horizontally, vertically or both.
3. Modified logic in segregation plots to fixed a bug in the Single Cell Viewer (external app).
4. Fixed bug in drawing markers.
1. Fixed bug drawing lines of zero length.
2. Improved layout for Tag Clouds.
3. Added shape for Tag Clouds.
1. Added line across samples with same label for better identification.
2. Fixed Kaplan-Meier R examples.
2. Fixed NonLienear-Fit R examples.
1. Fixed bug in calculating label position across samples with same label.
2. Fixed bug in setting dimensions for legend overlays.
3. Remove state parameter when working in R.
1. Fixed bug in summarized boxplots.
1. Fixed bug reseting sample indices in DOE layout graphs.
2. Implemented drag'n drop panels in DOE layout graphs.
3. Implemented new methods to calculate Kaplan Meier curves.
4. Added support for Kaplan Meier plots in DOE graphs.
5. Fixed bug placing sample labels in one dimensional plots.
1. Fixed another bug in range setting after transformations.
2. Fixed bug in Sunburst tooltips.
3. Fixed bug in bubble graph transitions.
4. Added parameter to shape correlation plots.
1. Fixed bug in converting data to null values when non-appropriate transformations.
2. Fixed bug introduced in previous version in circular graphs.
3. Make radar plots close lines and areas.
4. Fixed bug in sunburst and donnut plots transitions.
1. Added parameter to coordinate values in -Line combination plots.
2. Fixed bug in adjusted layout plots.
3. Converted data to null values when transformation are not appropriate.
1. Fixed testing files in R package.
2. Added layout configuration parameter to produce complex graphs. (More to come).
1. Added Spaghetti plots.
2. Fixed bug in pivoting data.
3. Fixed bug in converting null values to zero.
4. Added more examples to circular graphs.
1. Improved Circular plots for only connection plots.
2. Fixed bug in correlation plot when data is segregated.
3. Fixed bug in positioning sample labels.
4. Fixed bug in number approximation in JavaScript.
5. Implemented SAS Swimmer plots.
6. Added arrow type and swimmer type to bar graphs.
7. Added Boolean type to overlays to support (SAS) swimmer plots.
8. Added parameter to support (SAS) swimmer plots (swimHigh, swimStart, swimEnd, swimDurable, swimStatus, swimHighCap).
9. Forced to omit null data in calculations when grouping data.
10. Fixed small spacing in labels in one dimensional plots.
1. Fixed bug in displaying legends after pivoting data.
2. Improved transitions for correlation and histogram plots.
1. Improved optimization of font selection in layout graphs.
2. Fixed bug in placement of axis and sample titles in layout plots.
1. Added global search in data table.
2. Added Genie effect to table view / graph.
3. Fixed bug in sorting by sample or variable intensity.
1. Added method to draw rounded polygons.
2. Added CSS animation to images in UIs.
3. Added table view as a parameter to show table instead of plot ('view').
4. Added method to append meta data (appendMetaData).
5. Added parameter to sort data at load time.
6. Fixed bug in CSS for video graphs.
7. Adjust decoration labels in one dimensional plots for R plots.
1. Minor changes for node.js.
2. Fixed bug in sorting segregated data.
3. Improved pivoting data methods.
4. Added scope for decoration lines in one dimensional plots.
5. Fixed bug in reseting sorting after filtering.
6. Added sorting to data explorer.
7. Adjust decoration labels in one dimensional plots.
1. Consolidated methods to produce nicely formated values.
2. Start implementation for use with node.js (more to come).
3. Fixed bug in layout legends.
4. Added range boxplots.
5. Added ability to install from npm or bower.
1. Fixed mis-aligned cell boxes in heatmap.
2. Added key to override disabling UI interfaces (dblclick + CTRL).
3. Fixed bug in faceted violin plots.
4. Improve rendering of circular plots.
5. Implemented method to draw raw lines.
6. Fixed bug when coloring selected data points in scatter plots.
1. Implemented programmatic printing of thumbnails for all graphs except video.
2. Added ability to convert DOM tables into canvasXpress objects.
3. Fixed bugs in tooltip over arc text in circular plots.
1. Implemented onReady function.
2. Fix bugs in highlighting arc text in circular and sunburst graphs.
3. Improve reactive behavior when resizing window.
4. Improve integration with Reveal.js.
1. Improved layout for Metabase Pathways.
2. Automated font selection in trellis labels in layout plots.
3. Fixed bug printing PNGs from R-Studio using webshot (PhantomJS).
4. Added compatible mode for Reveal.js (online - presentations).
5. Added parameter to change the transition effects in remote graphs.
6. Replaced parameter showRemoteTransition by remoteTransitionEffect (set value to none).
7. Fixed bug setting correlation legend.
1. Added method to colorize images in networks.
2. Added method to store functions in CanvasXpress json object.
3. Improved layout for Metabase Pathways.
4. Added parameter to hide legend titles (showLegendTitle).
1. Fixed bug in positioning top legends in layout plots.
2. Improved layout for Metabase Pathways (more to come).
3. Improved layout for Wikipathways
4. Implemented lasso selection for Scatter2D plots.
1. Fixed bug in setting colors and order for correlations.
2. Added self edges in networks.
3. Improved layout for Metabase networks.
4. Fixed bug in selecting data point using ctrl-key.
5. Fixed bug in click-to-select.
6. Added parameter to start data points selected in Scatter 2D plots.
7. Fixed bug in Dotplots legend filtering.
8. Fixed bug in legend positioning in layout plots.
1. Fixed bug in setting colors in AreaLine plots.
2. Fixed bug in web page generation of R code.
3. Fixed bug in hiding regression lines when legend filtering.
4. Fixed bug in selection of data points in Scatter 2D plots.
5. Fixed bug in drawing sample names in layout plots.
1. Added ability to plot correlation line for multiple series.
2. Added ability to position legend on top or on left side.
3. Fixed bug in zooming scatter plots.
1. Added ability to import Cytoscape xgmml network graphs.
2. Added examples for loading networks through urls.
3. Added ability to change color spectrum using a scheme.
4. Added additional color schemes.
5. Added ability to convert colors for different blind types.
6. Fixed bug in layout segregation plots.
7. Added zoomDisable property to apply to all visualizations.
8. Added ability to plot correlation line for multiple series.
9. Added ability to position legend on top or on left side.
10. Fixed bug in zooming scatter plots.
1. Fixed many bugs in the R interface for Networks in RStudio.
2. Added ability to load files in urls to plot KEGG networks.
3. Added ability to include images from different urls in Networks.
4. Added ability to generate R code from the JavaScript UI.
5. Fixed some bugs in rendering remote graphs.
6. Fixed rendering of maps in RStudio.
7. Added ability to print plots containing external images.
8. Added parameter to include additional network data remotely.
1. Fixed more bugs in legend filtering in density plots.
2. Improved animation in histograms.
3. Added ability to draw correlation series in scatter 2D plots.
4. Added ability to drag'n drop urls into canvas.
5. Fixed bugs in data explorer.
6. Fixed bugs in layout violin plots.
7. Added ability to plot exponential and logarithmic regressions.
8. Added parameters to better customize fitting modeling (regression and loess).
1. Fixed bugs in legend filtering.
2. Fixed bugs in R data examples.
1. Fixed some bugs in legend filtering.
2. Implemented density profiles in 2D Scatter plots.
3. Implemented filled density profiles.
4. Implemented median plotting in density and histogram plots.
5. Fixed bug in summary boxplots.
6. Fixed bugs in hiding outliers in violin plots.
7. Added ability to read parameters from the url.
8. Added ability to produce thumbnails in the command line or url.
1. Fixed bug in layout binned data in boxplots.
2. Added parameter to change error bars color.
3. Added parameter to change error bars thickness.
4. Added more examples for dotplots.
5. Improved performance for rendering heatmaps after panning.
6. Implemented panning of scatter plots after initial zoom.
7. Fixed bug in adjusting heatmap ranges after zooming and panning.
1. Added parameter to convert sample and/or variable data to factors at load time.
2. Added use strict to the library.
3. Added parameter to transpose the data at load time.
4. Fix bug when loading data in a URL using a PNG file.
5. Fix bug in highlighting overlays.
6. Improved documentation web pages.
7. Added boxplotCoef parameter.
8. Add parameter for function to calculate boxplot hinges (boxplotHingeFunction).
9. Implemented confidence for boxplots.
10. Implemented notched boxplots the same as in R.
11. Implemented coloring of JSON objects for clarity.
12. Added multiple examples to boxplots and violins visualizations.
13. Improve performance in rendering heatmaps.
14. Replaced animated loading image with CSS based timer-loader.
1. Fixed bugs in legend click filtering in some visualizations.
2. Added ability to specify filename when saving the canvas saveFilename.
3. Added parameter to convert numeric sample and variable factors to strings at load time.
4. Added full information of boxplot when mouse-over violin.
1. Implemented legend filtering in most visualizations.
2. Fixed bug in showing code in Sankey diagrams.
3. Add parameter to suppress function names in after render (showFunctionNamesAfterRender).
4. Disabled legend click filtering when sizing is not categorical.
5. Fixed bug in Sunburst plot legends.
6. Brought loess fit lines on top of data points in Scatter plots.
7. Fixed bugs in Tag Cloud plots.
8. Fixed bugs in Bubble plots.
1. Improved axis value selection in layout scatter plots.
2. Fixed bug in filtering by legend click in parallel lines and radar plots.
3. Fixed bug in DOE layout plots.
1. Improved performance on rendering large data sets.
2. Fixed small bug in legends in layout plots.
3. Fixed bug in overlay labels.
4. Fixed upload image css.
1. Move CanvasXpress to new server.
1. Fixed small bug in sizing data by samples in Scatter plots.
1. Implemented segregation by samples in layout graphs for scatter plots.
2. Fixed bug in setting legend in layout scatter plots.
3. Added ability to show/hide individual overlay legends.
4. Fixed bug in transparency of show/hide legend click functionality.
5. Modified functionality to load / save CanvasXpress parameters.
6. Added ability to drop parameters file in current CanvasXpress visualization.
1. Fixed bug in layout of violin plots.
2. Improved performance when rendering large data sets in scatter plots.
3. Fixed bug in rendering point sizes in scatter plots.
4. Improved functionality of hiding elements when clicking in legends.
5. Implemented warning flag to prevent alerts when data is mis-configured.
6. Fixed legends in layout plots.
7. Fixed bug in layout titles for scatter plots.
1. Fixed bug in violin plots.
2. Implemented histograms of data in violin plots.
3. Added ability to hide boxplot when showing a violin plot.
4. Implemented density algorithm to match that one in R.
5. Implemented histogram function to match that one in R.
6. Implemented fivenum function to match that one in R.
7. Implemented flow cytometry density plots. (Examples to come).
8. Disable Genie effects in Safari.
9. Disable show the toolbar on load.
10. Implemented first version of filtering by click in legends.
1. Added Genie and Dock effects to UI widgets and toolbar similar to those in Macs.
2. Added segregation (facets) to Scatter plots.
3. Minor bug fixes.
1. Added ability to load data from URL.
2. Added parameter to disable transitions in remote graphs (showRemoteTransition).
3. Change all the icons for the UIs and fixed small CSS style issues.
1. Removed Javascript Promises when using R-Studio.
1. Fixed bug in reproducing overlay settings.
2. Added maximize/minimize method to Reproducible Research.
3. Added Array.prototype.fill polyfill method to cope with R-Studio.
4. Added Object.assign polyfill method to cope with R-Studio.
5. Added polyfill method to cope with R-Studio.
6. Added Array.prototype.findIndex polyfill method to cope with R-Studio.
7. Improved Reproducible Research widget. Really cool!
8. Fixed small bugs in motion graphs.
9. Changed opacity for all widgets to 0.95.
10. Fixed small bugs in transitions in Radar plots.
11. Performance improvements.
12. Added JSON.decycle and JSON.retrocycle but not implemented yet.
1. Fixed bug for BarLines and DotLines graphs introduced in version 18.7.
2. Fixed bug in selection functions in scatter plots.
3. Fixed bug in clipping method for all visualizations.
1. Fixed bug in layout graphs with segregation.
2. Automated showing of sample names on segregated layout plots.
3. Improved management of data point sizes in graphs.
4. Fixed bug in handling null data points.
5. Improved transition between circular graph and other visualizations.
6. Added method to demo user customization for Reproducible Research (Ctrl+Alt+D).
7. Fixed small bug in calculating block size in BarLine and DotLines graphs.
1. Implemented ideograms inspired by circos plots (with lots of manipulations).
2. Fixed small bug in layoutTopology parameter.
3. Implemented label type in marker decorations.
1. Fixed small bug in mouse over dendrograms in circular graphs.
2. Removed compatibility mode for ExtJS.
3. Fixed small bug in setting overlay legends.
4. Fixed bug in calculation of rotated variable labels in heatmaps.
5. Improved layout for the heatmap indicator.
6. Implemented columns in variable overlays legends (varOverlaysLegendColumns).
7. Implemented columns in sample overlays legends (smpOverlaysLegendColumns).
8. Improved layout in overlay factor labels.
1. Improved motion graphs.
2. Implemented circular dendrograms in circular graphs.
3. Implemented pch shapes to be R compatible.
4. Implemented lty lines to be R compatible.
5. Fixed minor bugs in axis setting in circular graphs.
6. Fixed small bug in rotating dendrogram branches.
1. Implemented examples for most parameters.
2. Removed obsolete axis resizer.
1. Added ability to Undo (Ctrl-z) and Redo (Ctrl-y) to most visualizations.
2. Fixed bugs in contour plots.
3. Fixed bugs in time series data plotting.
1. Fixed bug in sample title spacing in one-D plots.
2. Added ability to import KGML files from Kegg pathways into CanvasXpress.
1. Added Circular layout to network graphs.
2. Added ability to import GML files into CanvasXpress.
3. Fixed small bug in data table to display data for Network graphs.
4. Added ability to import GPML files from Wikipathways into CanvasXpress.
5. Implemented dynamic color, shape, size and pattern change for nodes in Networks.
6. Added ability to overlay data to Networks. Really cool!
7. Added dynamic legends to networks for nodes and edges.
8. Added ability to color network graphs.
1. Major improvements in data table and data filter. More to come!
2. Fixed bug in legends.
1. Improved loading of large data sets.
2. Fixed bug specifying color schemes and color brews in overlays.
3. Fix bug in layout legends.
4. Added ability to print high resolution graphs (Courtesy of Baohong Zhang).
5. Fixed bug in setting marker position when image is resized.
6. Implemented skipping of comment lines (#) in delimited text files.
1. Added parameter to specify the value missing data (default is 'NA').
2. Fixed css in Data explorer to make it compatible with contentbuilder.js.
3. Fixed bug in Legend size after resizing layout plots.
4. Fixed bug in resizing dots after resizing image (including legends).
5. Fixed bug in adjusting size of canvas after de-segregation of variable/samples.
6. Fixed bug in not honoring de-segregation in after render function.
7. Add parameter to specify better control for jittering of dots in plots.
8. Fixed few bugs in connect boxplots behaviors.
1. Implemented Drag'n Drop for loading data in current canvas.
2. Improved detection of csv imported data.
3. Implemented ability to plot non-numeric data by using counts.
4. Fixed bug in calculating bin number in histograms.
5. Added parameter to specify summary type for the data.
6. Fixed bug in menus when un-setting data properties
1. Fixed bug in specifying dendrograms in Newick format present since v-16.8.
1. Fixed bug in displaying overlays in layouts.
2. Added parameter to set the the layout topology (layoutTopology).
1. Implemented Object.assign test to cope with R-Studio.
2. Implemented Themes 'ala' ggthemes.
3. Fixed bug in labels in BarLine and DotLine graphs.
4. Fix bug in linear regression calculation.
5. Fix bug in variable labels alignment in Heatmaps.
6. Added link to canvasDesigner by Baohong Zhang.
7. Added example for events in documentation page.
1. Changed fivenum algorithm to match that of R.
2. Add parameter to sort case sensitive/insensitive.
3. Fixed small bug in sorting after resizing graphs.
4. Changed business login when sorting.
1. Fixed bug in arch transitions.
1. Fixed many R Examples.
2. Fixed dimensions for circular graphs after resizing.
3. Implemented Array.from to cope with R-Studio.
4. Fixed bug in non-linear fit graphs.
1. Added R Code to all examples.
2. Change Layout of home page to accommodate a larger number of examples.
3. Changed web pages to show code (R and JS) and data with bootstrap components.
4. Small bug fixes related to the R package.
1. Changed sunburstHierarchy parameter to hierarchy.
2. Changed sankeyHierarchy parameter to hierarchy.
3. Changed treeHierarchy parameter to hierarchy.
4. Implemented Bubble graphs based on awesome D3.
5. Improved transitions for all circular graphs.
6. Removed parameters 'a', 't', 'desc' and 'd' from data object.
7. Object data.a.xAxis converted to property xAxis.
8. Object data.a.xAxis2 converted to property xAxis2.
9. Object data.t.vars converted to property varDendrogramNewick.
10. Object data.t.smps converted to property smpDendrogramNewick.
11. Object data.d converted to property decorations.
12. First version of Javascript to R function.
1. Changed parameter smpHairline to guides
2. Added guides to multidimensional heatmaps
3. Implemented stacked dotplots (also called dumbbell charts); see dotplotType.
4. Added connectBy method for variable annotations in Dotplot to enable dumbbell charts.
5. Added ability to plot lollipop bar graphs; see barType.
6. Implemented divergent stackedbar graphs.
7. Implemented radar graphs; see circularType.
8. Changed default for legends in circular graphs.
9. Implemented chord graphs.
10. Fixed small bug in reproducible research methods.
11. Fixed small bug in connected boxplots.
12. Improved method to format tick axes.
13. Fixed small bug in data sorting.
1. Fixed bug printing SVG images.
2. Improved layout of small heatmaps sizes.
3. Fixed small bug in sorting filtered samples in boxplots.
4. Fixed bug in resizing the tool bar in remote services.
5. Fixed bug in showing color indicator in maps (after the transition events refactoring).
6. Cleaned unused functions in the menu UI.
7. Improved overall performance (after the transition events refactoring).
8. Tuned transition for Sankey diagrams.
1. Changes in the web site to improve performance and minor bug fixes.
1. Added z-index to tooltip to fix bug with overlapping canvases.
2. Fixed small bugs in genome browser.
1. Remove is1DPlotting parameter.
2. Added graph transitions inspired by attending OpenVis 2017 (kind of Beta).
1. Added mouse over to outliers with summarized data in boxplots.
2. Significant re-factoring of code to support graph transitions (coming soon)!
1. Fixed bug in heatmaps with hidden dendrograms.
2. Fixed bug showing outliers with summarized data.
1. Fixed bug in axis when loading summarized data.
2. Fixed bug in assigning color to dendrogram branches.
3. Added to include outliers with summarized data.
4. Remove click from terminal nodes in dendrograms.
1. Added inversion for tree graphs.
2. Modify parsing of Newick format to include names of branches.
3. Fixed small bug in truncating long overlay names.
4. Set ground work for graph transitions.
1. Modified default mouse over for overlays to show only factor and level.
1. Fixed bug in hiding dendrograms.
2. Added ability to plot summarized data to reduce the size of the data set.
3. Fixed bug in dragging menus.
1. Added Tree graphs based on the awesome D3 library.
2. Rolled back fix for resolution and spacing in over crowded bar graphs.
1. Added Highlighting of dendrograms to match samples and variables.
2. Added ability to color dendrograms by variable and sample annotation.
1. Fixed z-index bug in showing JSON for reproducible research.
2. Improved resolution and spacing in over crowded bar graphs.
3. Improved resolution for error bars.
4. Improved logic to set min and max values in axes to account for data point size.
1. Improved integration with Leaflet.
2. Fixed bug drawing outlines when drawing rectangles shapes.
1. Improved support for saving SVG graphs.
2. Added support for Treemaps in Overlays.
3. Added ability to add custom data filters to global canvas.
4. Added ability to move canvas.
5. Added tracking for custom filters and canvas moves for Reproducible Research.
6. Added highlight to sample group defined by connectBy.
7. Added Black & White color scheme.
8. Added automation of pattern fills when colors are limited.
1. Fixed small typos in documentation.
2. Excluded empty overlays ('-') from legends.
3. Added ability to change sample and variable overlay color schemes on the fly.
4. Added ability to modify position for legend overlays.
5. Implemented exporting image as SVG using canvas2svg.js
1. Modified way to clean events to deal with Google-Chrome annoyances.
2. Changed several icons to set consistent style.
3. Added dragging events to Sankey diagrams.
4. Fixed bug when zooming after transposing data.
5. Fixed bug when zooming after grouping and sorting data.
6. Optimized tracking of Reproducible Research modifications.
7. Changed default to null for non-numeric data in data.y object.
1. Added default values for missing data points in custom properties.
2. Fixed bug in marker configurator.
3. Fix bug in opening files to update data.
4. Fix bug in property validation with grouped samples.
5. Added ability to sort legend levels.
6. Improved display for grouped data when data is colored by an included factor.
7. Added ability to add markers without lines (types: line|annotation).
1. Fixed bug when parsing files.
2. Refactor color validation methods.
3. Implemented Sankey diagrams (based on D3.js).
4. Fixed bug in playing back user interactions (Reproducible Research).
5. Fix bug in setting colors in 2D-Scatter Plots.
6. Added ability to custom color, shape, size and pattern data points.
7. Remove property updateMetadataColorProperties (impact older versions).
8. Added extra validation for property values.
9. Refactor method to get property values.
1. Added item to menus to show/hide legend overlays.
2. Fixed bugs in 3D bar plots.
3. Adjusted width of bars in 3D plots.
4. Added better highlight for 3D bar graphs.
5. Added ability to code strings annotations into variables or samples.
6. Added setting of current CanvasXpress object after rendering.
7. Fixed bug in setting sample labels in one dimensional graphs.
8. Fixed bugs in setting font sizes when resizing canvas.
9. Added better highlighting for area graphs.
10. Implemented Parallel Coordinates graphs.
1. Added better highlighting for spline objects and lines.
2. Added support for lines in one dimensional graphs.
3. Add ability to add markers in multiple graphs.
4. Modify validation of urls for remote data.
5. Fixed bug in histograms in Scatter2D plots.
6. Fixed bug in zooming in transformed data in Scatter plots.
1. Fix bugs making high resolution graphs.
2. Fix bug in sample segregation after transforming data.
3. Fix bug in remote data managing.
1. Small changes in css for Data Table and Data Filter.
2. Added transform type to Axis when data is transformed.
3. Use a method to improve the graph quality of the canvas.
4. Changed default foreground color to black.
5. Fixed bug in axis drawing to improved resolution in circular graphs.
1. Small changes in Data Explorer css.
1. Refactor methods to find unique elements in objects and arrays.
2. Added method to change unique annotations to ids.
3. Improved Treemap visualizations.
4. Added ability to group Stacked graphs.
5. Implemented Treemaps in Stacked graphs.
6. Added cue to identify unique annotations in the data explorer (blue).
7. Fix 'preventive bug' to ungroup samples when switch vars or smps [isGroupedData : false].
8. Added treemapBy to menus for stacked graphs.
1. Implemented highlight of elements on mouse over.
2. Minor fixed in Scatter2D plots.
3. Fixed bug with null values in heatmaps.
4. Fixed bug in segregation of samples in circular graphs.
5. Fixed minor bug in axis value selection for scatter and circular plots
6. More code refactoring.
1. Added support for smpLabelInterval in Circular graphs.
2. Fixed bug getting sample annotations.
3. Added color indicator for circular graphs.
4. Improved layout for the data rings in circular graphs.
5. Fixed bug in color spectrum breaks.
6. Added mouse over events for circular graphs.
7. Fixed bug in Scatter3D plots
1. Fixed bugs in violin plots.
2. Fixed bugs with legends in layout plots.
3. Fixed bugs in Network selection by dragging.
4. Added more functionality to connection lines in boxplots.
5. Fixed sample naming in layout plots.
6. More code refactoring.
1. Fixed bug in reproducible filtering and sorting methods.
2. Some code refactoring.
1. Added ability to color the connection lines by the grouping in the boxplots.
2. Fixed bugs in catching single values events in boxplots showing original data.
3. Fixed bug with resizing canvas with mouse.
4. Reduce size of package.
5. Fix bug in DOE plot filtering.
1. Fixed bug in custom menus.
2. Reduced the size of the CanvasXpress images.
3. Fixed bug in menu interface.
4. Added capability of connecting with numeric property with connectBy.
1. Fixed bug in capturing events in non-CanvasXpress objects.
1. Added spark-md5.js.
2. Added client utilities.
3. Fixed bug in showTooltipDiv method.
4. Added Leaflet soft integration.
1. Fixed bug in zooming 1D contour plots.
2. Added full rotation for Scatter3D plots.
3. Removed viewport handlers for datatable, datafilter and configurator.
1. Fixed small bugs in the data table menus.
2. Added ability to search in large menus.
3. Fixed bug in transpose method (with the meta data).
4. Added ability to add custom menus to toolbar.
5. Added tracking for custom menus in reproducible research.
1. Fixed small bugs in segregation by variables.
1. Fixed bug in layout plots to remove empty data.
2. Added flag to remove the empty plots in layout graphs.
3. Added ability to remove filtered plots in layout graphs.
4. Fixed bug in data filter scroller
5. Fixed small bugs in network decorations
1. Fixed css to maximize graphs in Social page.
2. Added method to create error ellipses in Scatter plots.
1. Added ability to color grouped boxplots by property if levels are unique.
2. Added Social link to navigation widget in home page.
3. Improved performance when plotting non grouped boxplots.
4. Added colorBy to Menus for all graphs.
5. Fixed bug in segregated plot with groups.
6. Added connect to boxplots when showing violin plots and original data.
1. Release of Social Page.
2. Added expand collapse to data explorer.
3. Fixed bugs in keeping track of user modification in Data Explorer.
1. Fixed bug in double precision in JavaScript for color indicators.
2. Fixed many bugs in Social page (coming really soon).
1. First version of Social page (coming soon).
2. Fixed bug in axes for layout graphs without auto adjust.
3. Fixed bug in sample names for layout graphs without auto adjust.
4. Fixed bug in setting color brews when colorBy is set.
1. Added axis transform to the menu UI (already in configurator).
2. Added motion graphs (really cool). Look at ScatterBubble2D examples.
1. Fixed minor bugs and typos in web pages (example script).
2. Modified logic to adjust labels in one dimensional plots.
3. Implement scalable fonts and aspect ratio properties for media devices.
4. Fixed minor bugs in data explorer.
5. Added example page for contour graphs.
1. Fixed minor bugs in Genome Browser.
2. Set maximum to 20 decimals when calculating axis values.
3. Fixed bug for mouse down events in Safari when dragging the canvas.
1. Fixed minor issues with css.
2. Added tease to show mobile controls.
1. Added better support for touch devices (more coming).
1. Added event to resize color indicator on shift mouse down key.
2. Migrate Web site to Bootstrap.
3. Added method to resize canvas automatically when the window is resized.
4. Adjust CSS to be compatible with bootstrap.
1. Added ability to drag samples / variables by overlay group.
2. Removed centerData parameter from clustering.
3. Changed default configuration in Heatmaps to match the pheatmap R library.
4. Fixed bug in plots where connectBy is specified.
5. Fixed bug validating color strings.
6. Added ability to show overlay variable/sample legends as in R pheatmaps library.
1. Fixed floating point problem in histograms.
2. Added parameters to kmeans variables and samples, kmeansVarClusters and kmeansSmpClusters.
3. Deprecated parameter kmeansClusters.
1. Minor bug fixes.
1. Fixed bug in clustering with centered data.
2. Dropped support for IE < version 9.
3. Dropped support for Ext JS (Sencha).
4. Fixed Video Example in
1. Fixed major bugs in kmeans code (ooops!).
2. Implemented special sorting for kmeans clusters.
3. Added automated sorting of samples/variables after kmeans.
4. Fixed bug in color indicator with breaks in heatmaps.
1. Added version to download page.
1. More minor fixes.
1. Minor fixes.
1. Improved css for web site and software.
2. Added page for user interfaces.
3. Added page for user io operations.
4. Fixed bug in css hoverable border.
1. Added page for Reproducible Research.
2. Added file upload to data explorer.
3. Added shortcut to reproduce method.
4. Added border to canvas when hover.
1. Fixed bugs in heatmap menus.
1. Fixed bug in Changing properties with the menus.
1. Major re-factoring of menu class.
2. Make the menu creation dynamically to solve bug in layout plots.
3. Fixed bug showing sample names in layout plots.
4. Added version build date in JavaScript file and Changes page.
5. Disable the axis resizer.
1. Fixed bug in legends extending the height of the canvas.
2. Fixed bug in assigning colors to points when colors is smaller than the number of samples.
3. Fixed bug in show/hide axes in layout plots.
1. Take setTimeout function from Scatter plots dragging to improve performance.
1. Prevent overflooding of stack after zoom in/out.
2. Fixed type in index HTML page.
3. Implemented ability to drag context menus.
4. Fixed bug in plotting legends in DOE graphs.
1. Added examples for sprintf in some graphs.
2. Fixed another approximation bug in JavaScipt huh when formating values in axes.
1. Fixed the data formatting for axes using sprintf.
1. Fixed reading delimited files.
2. Fixed reproduce method in layout plots.
3. Improved formating of numbers.
1. Fixed performance of context menus.
2. Include remote script to get data (perl).
1. Fixed bug in log transformation of not grouped heatmaps.
2. Fixed bug in legend ordering of data.
1. Fix color indicator range after data transformation.
2. Fix boxplots with ratio transformed-data.
3. Fix bug in variable correlation plots.
4. Fix bug in Heatmaps setMin and setMax.
2. Change the window printType method to print to div rather than new window.
3. More changes in the data explorer (not ready yet).
2. Fixed bug in coloring connected point in Boxplots.
2. Fixed bugs in data transformation.
3. Added color when connecting data in boxplots.
4. Fixed bug in sizing labels in layout plots (Thank to Baohong Zhang for bug reporting).
2. Fixed examples in R package.
3. Added Google Fonts.
4. Fixed bug in zooming heatmaps in Firefox.
1. Fixed bug in the First release of Reproducible Research Graphs (Really cool!).
1. First release of Reproducible Research Graphs (Really cool!).
2. Added method to replay the user modifications.
1. Added various ways for plotting area graphs.
2. Changed mechanism to print using the FileSaver.js library.
3. First version of Reproducible Research.
4. Implemented ability to load data from json file.
5. Implemented ability to load data from url file.
6. Added data and Reproducible Research data to PNG file.
7. Implemented ability to load data from PNG file.
8. Added examples to load data remotely.
9. Implemented ability to load R data sets remotely.
10. Added method to get user configurations.
1. Better adjustment for axis ranges.
2. Added custom breaks for heatmaps.
3. Minor bugs fixed.
1. Improve performance rendering large data sets.
2. Added parameter to force the same range in axes for Scatter plots.
3. Improve outline for data points in Scatter plots.
1. Fixed minor bugs in layout plots.
2. Added multiple parameters to customize heatmap cell boxes including visibility, color and width.
3. Added ability to highlight heatmap cells.
4. Added ability to separate variables and samples in the heatmaps.
1. Fixed histograms in Scatter plots.
2. Improve rendering of loess fits and histograms in scatter plots.
3. Added the ability to create legends in multiple columns.
4. Improve performance for rendering large heatmaps.
1. Added ability to enter own network communities for network plots.
2. Major refactor of color handling for gradients and color schemes.
3. Deprecated the properties heatmapType, indicatorCenter.
4. Added histograms to indicators to match those of R.
5. Fixed clustering algorithm to produced exact results to those produced by the R hclust function.
6. Added additional Heatmap and 2D Scatter plot examples.
7. Add broadcasting to all graphs in the page (this is cool).
8. R library for CanvasXpress released at
1. Change style for checkboxes and sliders in the filters.
2. Fix some bugs in the multiple graph layout.
3. Added random seed generator to assure reproducibility.
4. Added violin plots to the Boxplot visualizations.
5. Added loess fitting for Scatter2D plots using science.js library.
1. Implemented function to create network communities based on Corneliu S. implementation of the Louvain algorithm.
2. Implemented Hull to color network communities.
3. Converted images as base64 data.
4. Deleted redundant css in JavaScript.
5. Mixed minor bugs.
6. Added multiple columns for legends.
7. Added connectBy method for Dotplots and Boxplots.
8. Improved layout plots to match those created with GGPlot.
9. Added confidence interval for correlation plots.
10. Added confidence area for Kaplan-Meier plots.
11. Major refactoring of legends.
12. Begin development for Reproducible Research.
1. Implemented function to create contour plots based on Conrec by Paul Bourke.
2. Implemented histograms to Scatter 2D plots.
3. Implemented formating for dates in Scatter 2D plots.
4. Implemented zooming with mouse wheel in Scatter 2D plots.
5. Fixed minor bugs in object selection.
1. Implemented graph time in 3D scatter plots.
2. Implemented Treemap in bar and staggered bars.
3. Implemented Treemap in DOE.
4. Fixed bugs in Venn diagram.
1. Implemented param override in remote web services.
2. Added ability to draw elbows in network edges.
3. Added ability to move elbows in network edges.
4. Fixed bug to move decorations when moving node in Networks.
5. Added proper resizing for network objects (ala PP).
6. Implemented binning of data in one dimensional plots.
7. Added positioning for overlays in one dimensional plots.
8. Added many graph types for overlays in one dimensional plots.
9. Added ability to size overlays in one dimensional pots.
10. Added examples for Oncoprint.
11. Added automated method to define number of bins in histograms.
1. Implemented TagCloud visualizations.
2. Implemented different algorithms to set axis ticks.
3. Fixed decorations mouse over in networks.
4. Fix many bugs.
1. Fixed bugs in histograms.
2. Added menus to histogram data.
3. Added simple way to correlate variables and samples.
4. Added way to convert between annotation and vars or smps.
5. Added transpose method to the menu.
6. Added exploration of DOE.
7. Fix bugs in selecting data points in heatmap.
8. Implemented oncoprints.
1. Fixed bug in 3D Scatter plot axis.
1. Improved histograms.
2. Added metadata to histograms.
3. Added selecting model for histograms.
4. Added selecting model for pie charts.
5. Added a dataframe format for data.
6. Modified functionality of Scatter3D to account for dataframe.
7. Fix minor bug in networks.
1. Improved menus in the UI for 1/2/3 dimensional plots (more comming).
2. Refactored code to separate canvas renderer.
3. Fixed minor bugs.
4. Added zooming for correlation plots.
5. Added DotLine plots.
6. Fixed lots of bugs for the IE browser (still more to come).
7. Added connectBy properties for Scatter3D plots.
1. autoAdjust property replaced by adjustAspectRatio.
2. Major implementation of examples.
3. Improved methods to see code in the graphs.
4. Added interface to the configurator to see examples.
5. Added additional data sets to the examples.
6. Implemented style for all the fonts.
7. Fixed bugs in setting exact axes.
8. Fixed bugs in setting max and min for plots.
9. Changed property allVsAll to scatterPlotMatrix.
1. Added draggable div to show code.
2. Added custom dblclick to Network and Genome graphs.
3. Added override parameter for anchor nodes in Network graphs.
4. Fixed some bugs in Genome browser.
5. Fixed bug in sorting samples by variable when the data is grouped.
6. Fixed bug in calculating the font size when data is grouped.
7. Added ability to show overlays even when data is grouped.
8. Added ability to zoom to clade in dendrograms by double-clicking.
9. Improved feel and look and functionality of the data table.
10. Implemented Treemap graphs.
11. Fixed bug in axis of Stacked Percentage graphs.
12. Fixed bug in Scatter plots with transformed data.
13. Improved format for axis in Scatter plots.
14. Major improvements in the Circular graphs (inspired by Circos).
15. Fixed bug in filters in Complex Layout graphs.
16. Changed bindings for page down and page up keys for Genome graphs.
17. Improve web site pages with more examples.
18. Minor bug fixes.
1. Added video as a graph type using controls.
1. Added flag to maintain zooming after initial drag in one D plots.
2. Added parameter to hide ticks and titles in one D plots.
3. Added parameter to use color for the legends in Venn diagrams.
4. Fixed bug with Venn diagram resizing.
5. Added ability to plot legend at the bottom in Pie charts.
6. Fixed bug in radial networks.
1. Move code to
1. Use Flash through FlashCanvas.js as a fallback when using IE < 9 2. Fix bugs when used in IE.
1. Added sorting to data table.
1. Fixed small bugs in data table.
2. Fixed IE bugs.
1. Fixed minor bugs.
1. Added parameter to exclude from filtering object with missing keys.
2. Improved menus
3. Improved UI for filters, table and configurator (major).
1. Fixed incompatibility with jquery.
1. Fixed bug in labels in 3D Scatter plot.
2. Fixed bug in varOverlays.
3. Added mouse position sensitive zoom to Scatter-3D plots.
4. Added animated toolbar.
5. Added error bars to 2-D scatter plots.
6. Implemented first version of menus in the network plots.
7. Raw version for circular graphs.
1. Fixed bug when shortening text.
2. Added parameter to specify the number of labels in correlation plots.
3. Added parameter to specify the number of variable labels in one D plots.
4. Added parameter to specify the number of sample labels in one D plots.
1. Fixed bug in varOverlays.
2. Fixed bug in extra long text in sample and variable overlays.
3. Fixed bug in setting minimum values in axes.
4. Added parameter to adjust thickness of 3D bar plots.
5. Fixed bug in showing tooltip in 3D bar graphs.
1. Added spacer for sample and variable overlays.
2. Added recycling colors for sample and variable overlays.
3. Fixed bug in function 3D-plotter.
1. Fixed a lot of bugs in multidimensional plots.
2. Added 3D-bar graphs and 3D-dotplots.
1. Filters ala Spotfire.
2. Implemented multidimensional heatmaps (very kewl).
1. Implemented first version of filters
2. Added parameter to disable zooming of variables or samples.
3. Improve sensitivity in event detection in genome browser.
1. Fixed a resizing bug after updating data in Scatter-3D plots.
1. Fixed a bug when automatically adjusting dimensions of heatmaps.
1. Fixed bug when sorting null values.
2. Fixed bug of changing colors in overlays when zooming in one-dimensional plot.
3. Fixed bug with missing data in Area and AreaLine plots.
1. Fixed bug when printing samples or variables whose ids are numbers.
2. Droped support for older browsers.
3. Fixed bugs in color, shape and size in one dimensional plots.
4. Fixed bugs in sorting methods.
5. Added cool animation for showing / hiding the data table.
1. Added method to show connected nodes in networks (Ctrl-Home).
2. Added filter capabilities.
3. Added filter widget to the configurator.
4. Improved genome browser.
5. Improved performance for event handling.
6. Added drag and drop to sort samples for One-D graphs.
7. Added method and parameters to destroy zombie objects.
8. Improved performance in Firefox.
9. Added Kaplan - Meier plots.
10. Added ability to color, shape and size one dimensional plots.
11. Added ability to plot by variables (rather than by samples).
1. Continue adding touch events for mobile devices (really, really kwel).
2. Added methods to zoom-in to selected data points in 3D-Scatter plot.
3. Added methods to zoom-in by removing selected data points in 3D-Scatter plot.
4. Minor improvements to genome browser.
1. Improved performance to write sequences in boxes in Genome Browser.
2. Added stripes to sequences in boxes when displayed at medium resolution.
3. Added parameter to move parents when children are moved in Networks.
4. Improved performance when graphing sequences in boxes in Genome Browser.
5. Changed behavior when dragging mouse in the Genome Browser to panning.
6. Changed behavior to Shift + drag mouse to zoom in Genome Browser.
7. Fixed bug that prevented clear selection after click in blank space.
8. Honored setMin and setMax values in Scatter plots (I guess a bug).
9. Added haze and reduce size for farther away data points in 3D-Scatter plot.
10. Begin adding touch events for mobile devices (need to map them... kwel).
1. Fixed another bug in the 3d Scatter plot.
2. Added configurator when displaying in mobile devices.
3. Fixed bug in ajax method.
1. Implemented multiple sorting method for samples and variables.
2. Fixed bugs in grouping samples.
3. Added support for sequences for boxes in Genome Browser.
4. Added method to display a static tooltip for events this.showTooltipDiv.
5. Fixed bug when using exact data in scatter plots.
6. Added ability to pass parameters in the url (...&canvasXpress={...}).
1. Implemented wheel zooming for one dimensional graphs.
2. Improved zooming for heatmaps (by using mouse location).
3. Implemented panning for one dimensional graphs.
4. Added acknowledgment switch (please use acknowledgment: true).
1. Fixed bug in boxplots with less that 4 variables.
2. Added optimization to center the graph objects in one-D plots.
1. Added ability to prevent resizing the canvas 'resizable'.
2. Fixed bug in splines in one-D plots.
3. Fixed bug in setting the legend and sample title in one-D plots.
1. Added ability to prevent nodes in networks to catch events (eventless).
2. Added global property to override eventless nodes to be able to edit them.
3. Re-factor the Genome Panel to implement Sanger sequencing and NGS (really cool).
4. Modified Zooming in Genome Panel and Networks to account for mouse position.
5. Changed parameter for add samples from blockContrastOddColor to oddColor.
6. Changed parameter for even samples from blockContrastEvenColor to evenColor.
7. Re-factor the configurator panel (also very cool).
8. Began implementation of BAM/SAm files for genome browser (coming soon).
1. Added ability to plot stacked bars in Network decorations.
2. Fixed a bug in clustering
1. Added ability for the configurator to take parameters.
2. Added top, right, left and bottom margins to beautify graphs.
3. Changed parameter names for scaling text to be consistent.
4. Added factor to separate series in one dimensional graphs.
5. Improved area graphs.
6. Added splines for area graphs.
7. Added new graph type AreaLine combination.
8. Refactor many functions to improve performance and reusability of code.
9. Changed the paradigm to graph stock technical indicators.
10. Fixed bug in panning heatmaps.
11. AutoExtend property replaced by autoAdjust.
12. Changed the functionality of autoAdjust (autoAdjust).
13. Fixed bugs in 3d-Scatter plot.
14. Added ability to plot bars in the 3d-Scatter plot.
15. Remove option isScatterLine and replace by scatterType.
16. Added ability to use images in scatter plots (use scatterType: 'image').
17. Added ability to plot functions in scatter plots.
18. Improved the ability to display the actual data in a table.
19. Modified the default behavior for mouse click to show the data table.
20. Added option to disable showing help for key events.
21. Fixed bug when displaying version.
22. Added support for multi-line labels of node in networks.
23. Added ability to format tick values in the axes.
24. Added ability to link from variable and sample labels.
25. Added ability to disable arrow and + / - events.
26. Added ability to size decorations in networks.
1. Added disable the version tooltip.
2. Added ability to position the variable labels in heatmaps.
3. Fixed bug in axis increments where all values are zero.
4. Added validator for the parameters passed.
5. Added label descriptions for variable and samples in heatmaps.
6. Added ability to increase the width of the color indicators in heatmaps.
7. Added moving averages 5, 10, 25 and 50 for the market graphs.
8. Added ability to rotate 90 degrees sample, variable and tick labels.
9. Improved quality of the lines in graphs (it still can be improved).
10. Fixed bug in normal distribution and regression lines.
1. Changed path to canvasXpress.gif to images.
2. Added a method to freeze the network after loading.
3. Fixed calculation of tick values (again).
4. Fixed calculation for the length of the edges in the networks.
5. Other minor fixes.
6. Fixed position of images with network nodes.
7. Added Title for variables in heatmaps.
8. Added hide configurator on image click events.
9. Changed default for modelEvent to 'global' to increase performance.
10. Modified BarLine to align line to first series when necessary.
11. Added StackedLine and StackedLinePercentage.
1. fixed bug in setting user defined colors.
2. added capability to implement user defined color in Venn diagrams.
3. added capability to plot the untransformed tick values in scatter plots.
4. fixed bugs in defining the tick values.
5. fixed bugs in network resizing, moving and selecting.
6. added configurator capability for network edges after alt + left mouse click.
7. added flag to disable all user events.
8. extended zooming model for networks and heatmaps with mouse wheel and + / - keys.
9. changed the zoom default for choosing nodes in networks to require ctrl + mouse drag.
10. added panning capabilities for networks and heatmaps with arrow, page keys and drag.
11. fixed bug in sizing the genome browser.
1. added capability to get data remotely.
2. improved support for mobile apps.
3. changed the events used for showing the configurator to dblclick in non mobile apps.
4. add single click to show the configurator in nn mobile apps.
5. added functions to the configurator.
6. fixed bug in newick parser (dendrograms).
1. added capability to use images in the networks.
2. fixed event bugs.
3. fixed more bugs.
4. added support for background images.
5. added z-Index support for images.
6. added show values for bar graphs and heatmaps.
7. improved performance to save network data (Mingyi Liu).
8. added multiple pie charts for complex layouts.
9. added a configurator after alt + left mouse click or double click.
10. added a configurator for the network nodes after an alt + left mouse click.
11. improve color management, transparencies and gradients.
1. added rotation for the variable and sample labels.
2. modified generic method to create shapes 'drawShape' to add outline width.
3. modified generic method to create lines 'drawLine' to add outline width and cap style.
4. added more backgroundType options to contrast the plotting area.
5. added background color for the legends.
6. added thickness for line plots.
1. added more color schemes for the heatmaps.
1. added radial layout for the networks.
2. added bars and heatmaps for the networks.
3. extended the shapes model to include width, height and rotation.
4. added a generic method to draw shapes, lines and text in the canvas.
5. remove canceling the bubbling in the events.
1. overlays parameter taken out and replaced by smpOverlays.
2. added support for variable overlays in heatmaps.
3. added font parameters for overlays.
4. added clustering capabilities.
5. enhanced the complex layout object.
6. implemented all vs all for 2D scatter plots (layout).
7. added segregation of variables in the data (layout).
8. added alignment for selected nodes in network.
9. refactor the binding keys.
10. added help for binding keys.
11. added lines to join data points in series in scatter plots.
12. added regression lines in scatter plots.
13. added normal distribution lines in scatter plots.
14. added a method to generate random data.
15. added histogram method.
16. added decoration shapes in 2D scatter plots.
17. implemented colorBy method in bar graphs to color by a sample class.
18. add support for switching branches in dendrograms.