Kaplan-Meier Chart

The Kaplan–Meier estimator, also known as the product limit estimator, is a non-parametric statistic used to estimate the survival function from lifetime data. In medical research, it is often used to measure the fraction of patients living for a certain amount of time after treatment.

Example Color Themes

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Show Code


<!-- Include the CanvasXpress library in your HTML file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.canvasxpress.org/dist/canvasXpress.css" type="text/css"/>
<script src="https://www.canvasxpress.org/canvasXpress.min.js"></script>

<!-- Create a canvas element for the chart with the desired dimensions -->
  <canvas id="canvasId" width="600" height="600"</canvas>

<!-- Create a script to initialize the chart -->

  <!-- Create the data for the graph -->
  var data = {
     "y" : {
        "data" : [
        "smps" : ["Time","Censor","Censor1"],
        "vars" : ["p1","p2","p3","p4","p5","p6","p7","p8","p9","p10","p11","p12","p13","p14","p15","p16","p17","p18","p19","p20"]
  <-- Create the configuration for the graph -->
  var config = {
     "title":"Kaplan-Meier Plot",
     "yAxisTitle":"Probability of Survival"

  <!-- Call the CanvasXpress function to create the graph -->
  var cX = new CanvasXpress("canvasId", data, config);

  <-- Functions after rendering graph -->